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Abstract: In this paper, Tangshan Nanhu International Golf Club for the experimental region, the green grass for the traits of a great impact on the performance of factors such as lawn cutting height, smoothness lawn, lawn diseases, such as doing a series of investigations and studies. Course of the study, on the lawn through the comparison of different pruning height, and compared with international standards, we found that under the conditions of 4.5mm, is only able to meet the requirements of normal competition, slower speed; and in case of 4.2mm, it will fully meet the normal game with the speed requirements Championship. In addition, lawn diseases through research, we can understand that infectious diseases on the lawn when the most damage, and fungal diseases in which infectious diseases accounted for most of the ratio is the key to disease prevention and treatment . At the same time, a reasonable proportion of the use of pesticides is also very important. For non-infectious diseases, although its impact is often more serious consequences, but as long as usual when the pay more attention to conservation, is entirely avoidable.
Keyword: golf, conservation and management, green, smoothness, Lawn Diseases
1 前言
1.1 立题的依据与意义
高尔夫球场草坪植被是气候,土壤,各种环境因素的具体体现,其优劣直接反应一个球场的质量和档次。而水肥,修剪和病害防治则是决定高尔夫球场草坪维护水平高低的关键,果岭草坪质量更是重中之重,是评价一个球场质量优劣的重要指标,而且果岭还是每个球道最终推杆进洞的区域,一般面积在400~1 000 m2之间,它也代表着草坪工程的最高境界,要能满足低修剪(4~8 mm)、均匀一致、高密度、绿期长、恢复性好等要求。在实际比赛中,虽然果岭只占整个球面积的2%,却有73%的击球是在果岭上进行的。但至今国内从事此项研究的专业人员甚少,相关报道更是难得一见【1】。而且,由于区域,气候,土壤,地形等因子的差异,北方球场的治理和维护手段不尽相同。因此,我希望本研究能对我国北方的高尔夫果岭草坪的养护与管理有更全面的了解,并希望通过本研究对果岭草坪生长的影响因素得出一个比较全面的评估和措施改进方案。
1.2 本文要解决的问题
一 高尔夫