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作业: P15 1-1;1-5;1-12 * * 定义:发动机气缸内工质压强p随汽缸容积v(或曲轴转角φ)的变化曲线称为示功图 * 学生提问: 示功图中进排气压力线与上下止点线相交在何处? 二冲程示功图相关内容自学。 TDC-Top Dead Center BDC-Bottom Dead Center EVO-Exhaust Valve Open EVC-Exhaust Valve Close IVO-Intake Valve Open IVC-Intake Valve Close * BMEP-Brake Mean Effective Pressure PM-Particulate Matter NVH-Noise Vibration Harshness I/M-Inspection/Maintaining * Indicated 指示的 Brake有效的 * 这里的Wi、We和Wm,以及Wmf、Wme、Wp等都是指绝对值。 对自然吸气机型,泵气损失归入机械损失后,Wi应为动力过程功或总指示功;对增压机型,若将泵气损失归入机械损失,则Wi应为总指示功(动力过程功与理论泵气功之和)。 由于在测量机械损失时,难以剔除泵气损失,所以一般机械损失包含泵气损失在内。 * * This table shows the maximum pme values of today’s engines. From the table, we can see that the four-stroke motorcycle engine has the smallest pme of 12 bar. And the turbocharged race engine has the largest pme of 56 bar. * 第一个公式的含义:i是指发动机气缸数,n是指发动机转速(单位:1/s,每秒钟转数),Wi是指总指示功(单位:J,焦耳),Pi是指指示功率(单位:W,瓦特),Vs是指发动机单缸排量(单位:m3) Now we pay our attention on the parameter of power. And this slide shows some power equations. Concerning about the internal power Piz (indicated power or gas power at the piston) of one cylinder, we can easily get the following results: Piz=nA*pmi*Vh nA=i*n where nA is the combustion cycles per time unit; n is the engine speed; i is the combustion cycles per revolution (i=0.5 for four-stroke engine, i=1 for two-stroke engine). For the power output per cylinder, the following results: Piz=i*n*pmi*Vh An engine with several cylinders has the internal power as follows: Pi=i*n*pmi*Vh*z where z is the number of the cylinders. With the displacement VH of the engine(VH=Vh*z), we can get the following indicated power: Pi=i*n*pmi*VH The effective power Pe at the output crankshaft is lower than the indicated power Pi. If a brake mean effective pressure pme is similarly defined as the indicated mean effective pressure, the following applies for the effective power: Pe=i*n*pei*VH The difference between Pi and Pe is the friction power Pr. Therefore we can have the following Pr equation: Pr=Pi-Pe =i*n*(pmi-pme)*VH With th


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