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* 宁波 Ningbo City Ningbo in Chinas position 宁波地图 Ningbo map Ningbo in Chinas position 宁波,简称甬,是中国浙江省的副省级城市,计划单列市,有制定地方性法规权利的较大的市,是中华人民共和国文化部批准的全国历史文化名城。是浙江的三大经济中心之一,宁波港是中国货物吞吐量第一大港口,集装箱吞吐量则列全国第四大港口。全市总面积9365平方公里,人口760.57万(2010年)。位于浙东,长江三角洲南翼,北临杭州湾,西接绍兴,南靠台州,东北与舟山隔海相望。在中央及浙江省的文件中,宁波市分别被定义为长三角南翼经济中心和浙江省经济中心。 Ningbo, zhejiang province, China is as yongs deputy provincial city, the state plan, formulate local regulations of the rights of a major city, is approved by the ministry of culture of the Peoples Republic of China national historical and cultural city. Zhejiangs three big economic center, ningbo port is one of Chinas first big port throughput, container throughput is listed the fourth national big port. The city covers a total area of 9365 square kilometers and a population of 7.6057 million (2010). Located in the Yangtze river delta, the east, north near hangzhou bay, west meets the shaoxing, south by taizhou, the northeast and zhoushan facing each other across the sea. In the central and the file, ningbo city, zhejiang province were defined as southern Yangtze river delta economic center and zhejiang economic center. Ningbo culture 甬剧:始于清乾隆后期,初称“串客”。系由田头山歌、马灯调、唱新闻等滩簧类民间戏、曲调演变而来。主要流传于宁波、舟山一带。最初的演唱者为乡村的农民、工匠等手工业者,在庙会祭神、喜庆堂会时演唱,演唱的内容主要为新闻和民间生活故事,无表演动作,无乐器伴奏。清嘉庆年间(1796~1820),受“苏滩”影响,开始有简单的表演和胡琴伴奏。道光十年(1830)后,出现营业性演出的“串客班”。光绪十六年(1890)数名艺人到宁波演出走红,串客改称为宁波滩簧。曾一度改称为四明文戏、甬江古典等,1950年5月始正式定名为甬剧。甬剧擅演清装戏、近代戏、现代戏,表演细腻,语言、唱腔富有地方特色,内容适应市民的思想情趣,乡土气息浓郁。 YongJu: began in late qing qianlong, said earlier string of guest. In the farm folk songs and the lantern, sing news of tanhuang folk drama, evolved tune. Main spread of ningbo, zhoushan area. First the singer for the country farmers, producers, such as craftsman in the temple fair offering to god, sing sing when services of the festival, the main content of the for news and folk life story, no acting, no musical instrument accompaniment. Qing jiaqing; years (1796 ~ 1820), the tanhuang influence began to have simple, perfo


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