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目录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究目的及意义 1 1.2 转速测量方法 1 1.3 开发软件研究 3 2 系统硬件设计 6 2.1 整体框架设计 6 2.2 信号采集系统设计 6 2.3 单片机处理系统设计 10 2.4 LED显示 14 3 系统软件设计 15 3.1 主程序设计 15 3.2 系统初始化 16 3.3 定时计数子程序 18 3.4 显示子程序 19 4 系统调试及分析 21 4.1 硬件调试 21 4.2 软件调试 22 4.3 综合调试 23 5 总结 24 参考文献 25 附录 26 致谢 27 摘要 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,微型计算机的应用已经渗透到人们生产、生活的各个领域。单片微型计算机作为微型计算机的一个重要分支,以其体积小、可靠性高、灵活方便等特点得到广泛应用。现代控制技术是以微控制器为核心的技术,由此构成的控制系统成为当今工业控制的主流系统。 本文是基于系统设计,设计中bstract With the rapid development of computer technology, micro-computer applications have penetrated into the production and all areas of peoples life. Single-chip micro-computer as an important branch of micro-computer, with its small size, high reliability, flexibility ,are so widely used. Modern control technology is based on micro-controller core technology, which constitutes the control system into the mainstream of todays industrial control systems. This paper is based on the speed of the hall element measurement system design, design with hall element as sensor and will speed signals are converted to change the pulse signal, complete signal collection. Then, after amplifier and plastic circuits, analog signal into the single chip microcomputer measure for the TTL/CMOS compatible with digital signal. Finally, using single chip computer processing, calculated the rotating frequency value, and in LED display displayed. This design has the following main finish work, the Protues hardware circuit design and the C language Keil software development, as well as to the hall element theory and application, finally completes the whole system design. Key words: Hall element; MCU; Speed measurement; Signal processing; LED 1 绪论 1.1 研究目的及意义 目前国内外测量电机转速的方法很多,按照不同的理论方法,先后产生过模拟测速法(如离心式转速表、用电机转矩或者电机电枢电动势计算所得)、同步测速法(如机械式或闪光式频闪测速仪)以及计数测速法。计数测速法又可分为机械式定时计数法和电子式定时计数法。传统的电机转速检测多采用测速发电机或光电数字脉冲编码器,也有采用电磁式(利用电磁感应原理或可变磁阻的霍尔元件等)、电容式(对高频振荡进行幅值调制或频率调制)等,还有一些特殊的测速器是利用置于旋转体内的放射性材料来发生脉冲信号使用霍尔传感器获得脉冲信号,其机械结构也可以做得较为简单,只要在转轴的圆周上粘上一粒磁钢,让霍尔开关靠近磁钢,就有信号输出,转轴旋转时,就会不断地产生脉冲信号输出。如果


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