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8-7 城镇居民家庭年人均支出情况(2013年)Statistics on Per Capita Annual Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households(2013)单位:元 ( yuan )项 目Item总平均Total一、家庭总支出Total Expenditures30553 (一)消费支出 Consumption Expenditures23848 #服务性消费支出 Consumption on Service6442 1.食品 Food7737 2.衣着 Clothing2867 3.家庭设备用品及服务 Household Facilities,Articles and Service1860 4.医疗保健 Health Care and Medical Service1905 5.交通与通信 Transport and Communications3340 6.教育文化娱乐服务 Education,Receration and Cultural Services3379 7.居住 Residence1864 8.杂项商品与服务 Miscellaneous Goods and Services896 (二)购房与建房支出 Expenditures on House Purchasing/Construction2069 (三)转移性支出 Transfer Expenditures2750 (四)财产性支出 Property Expenditures43 (五)社会保障支出 Expenditures on Social Security1843二、借贷支出Expenditures on Loans and Debts130678-8 城镇居民家庭年人均消费性支出情况(2013年)Statistics on Per Capita Annual Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households(2013)单位:元 ( yuan )项 目Item总平均Total消费支出(元)Consumption Expenditures23848 #服务性消费支出 Consumption on services6442食品 Food7738 一、粮油类 Grains and oil1029 1.粮食 Grain652 2.淀粉及薯类 Starches and Tubers78 3.干豆类及豆制品 Bean and Bean Products101 4.油脂类 Oil or Fats198 二、肉禽蛋水产品类 Meat,Poultry,Egg and Aquatic Products1342 1.肉类 Meat826 2.禽类 Poultry136 3.蛋类 Egg121 4.水产品类 Aquatic Products259 三、蔬菜类 Vegetables702 1.鲜菜 Fresh Vegetables636 2.干菜 Dried Vegetables48 3.菜制品 Vegetable Products18 四、调味品 Flavouring121 五、糖烟酒饮料类 Sugar,Tobacco,Liquor and Beverage1071 1.糖类 Sugar73 2.烟草类 Tobacco424 3.酒类 Liquor332 4.饮料 Beverage242 六、干鲜瓜果类 Dried and Fresh Melons Fruits784 七、糕点、奶及奶制品 Cakes, Milk and Processed Products591 1.糕点 Cakes209 2.奶及奶制品 Milk and Its Products382 八、其它食品 Other Food140 九、饮食服务 Catering Services1958 1.食品加工服务费 Charge for Food Processing Services1 2.在外饮食 Foods Consumed outside19578-8 城镇居民家庭年人均消费性支出情况(2013年)Statistics on Pe