大学生与依法治国精神(University students and the spirit of governing the country by law).doc

大学生与依法治国精神(University students and the spirit of governing the country by law).doc

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大学生与依法治国精神(University students and the spirit of governing the country by law)

大学生与依法治国精神(University students and the spirit of governing the country by law) College students should not only have good ideological and moral quality, but also have the corresponding legal spirit, and establish the concept of respect for law and discipline, pride in discipline and disorderly conduct. Strengthening the legal consciousness, improving the ability to use the law, learning and mastering the legal knowledge of China are the basic contents of training the legal quality of contemporary college students. Only seriously understand the socialist spirit of the law, strengthen the legal culture, enhance the awareness of national security, in order to establish the socialist concept of the rule of law, harmonious society and building a socialist country ruled by law, to be a qualified citizen knowing the law abiding by the law. Students can acquisition of some superficial knowledge of the law, but at a deeper level and lack of awareness of the law, there are differences on specific legal cognition of constitutional law knowledge is vague. The individual college students legal consciousness, subject to a variety of decadent ideas lured on to the path of crime. Help students establish the necessary and relevant legal concepts, legal cognition have healthy legal psychology and higher, rational legal awareness and shaping of college students, in order to adapt to the socialist modernization of the quality of talent requirements. It is necessary and urgent to improve the legal consciousness of College students. The main ways to strengthen the students legal awareness and carry forward the spirit of the rule of law are as follows: I. understanding the socialist legal spirit The socialist law with Chinese characteristics has been formulated and implemented in China, and the socialist legal spirit runs through the whole legal system of our country. Contemporary college students need to understand the spirit of socialist law, the spirit should understand and grasp the c


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