丙泊酚注射液说明书(Propofol Injection manual).doc

丙泊酚注射液说明书(Propofol Injection manual).doc

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丙泊酚注射液说明书(Propofol Injection manual)

丙泊酚注射液说明书(Propofol Injection manual) Propofol Injection manual Return home page guide CAS query advertising service, about our drug name inquiries, friendship links as home page, contact us network office, medical forum, website ranking The government announcement - pharmaceutical regulatory policy News - - market forecast - market analysis - Market Research Information - - clinical application - Research - Dynamic - new product manufacturers product GMP - GSP - GLP information GAP information - Information - technology transfer - Information - a meta - Newsletter - - - industry trends of drug bidding Drug winning database Browse by pinyin A-B C-D E-F G-I J-K L M-Q R-T W-X Y Z Chemical instructions Anesthetics and their adjuvant General anesthetics Inhalation anesthetics Intravenous anesthetics Local anesthetics Skeletal muscle relaxants Analgesic Anaesthetic adjuvant Antipyretic, analgesic and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Antipyretic analgesia and nsaids Anti gout drug Drugs for nervous system Anti paralysis drugs Anti myasthenia gravis drug Antiepileptic Central stimulant Sedative and hypnotic Cerebrovascular medicine A drug that acts mainly on the autonomic nervous system Other Psychiatric remedy Antipsychotic drugs Anxiolytic Anti mania drug Antidepressant Content query Database, chemical instructions, intravenous anesthetics, Propofol Injection Propofol Injection Name used before English name PROPOFOL INJECTION Pinyin name BINGBOFEN ZHUSHEYE Drug category intravenous anesthetics White emulsion. Pharmacological and toxicological effects of this product are controlled by activation of GABA receptor chloride complex. Clinical dose time, Propofol increases chloride ion conduction and, in large doses, makes GABA receptor desensitization, thereby inhibiting the central nervous system, Have sedative and hypnotic effect, its anesthetic potency is 1.8 times of thiopental sodium. Quick onset and short action time 2.5mg/kg intravenous injection, the onset time of


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