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浅 谈 生 产 班 组 绩 效 管 理 摘要 班组是企业组织生产经营活动的基本单位,是企业最基层的生产管理组织。企业各项生产经营任务最终都要通过班组来实施完成,班组的生产经营工作搞得好与坏,直接影响着企业的经营效益、企业形象及生存竞争力等诸多方面。班组就像人体上的一个个细胞,只有人体的所有细胞全都健康,人的身体才有可能健康,才能充满了旺盛的活力和生命力。所以全面加强班组建设,实现班组管理的科学化、制度化、规范化,是提高运营管理水平,实现运营管理现代化的一项重要工作。近年来,多数企业通过达标、创一流、ISO9000质量认证等活动,不断强化了班组建设,全面夯实企业管理的基石,班组员工的精神面貌、站容站貌、规范管理、人员素质等均得到了明显提升,为企业实现可持续发展奠定了基础。 但是企业要进一步提升班组管理水平,加强班组团队凝聚力建设,提高一线生产员工技术水平,企业需要建立一套科学合理的班组绩效管理体系,有效地激励一线生产员工努力提高绩效,确保企业各项生产经营目标的实现。 关键词:生产经营;绩效管理;班组管理 Abstract Teams and groups is the organization of the basic unit of production and business activities, are among the most grass-roots level of production management organizations. The task of production and operation of enterprises will eventually be implemented through teams and groups to complete the production and operation teams and groups work Gaode good or bad directly affects the operational efficiency of enterprises, corporate image and competitive edge to survive and many other aspects. Teams and groups like the one on the human body cells, all cells in all only human health, the human body possible health, to full of vigor and vitality. Therefore, to comprehensively strengthen the team-building, team management to achieve a scientific, institutionalized and standardized operation and management to improve the level of operational management to achieve the modernization of an important work. In recent years, the majority of enterprises through compliance, the first class, ISO9000 quality certification and other activities, continue to strengthen the team-building, comprehensive enterprise management reinforce the cornerstone of the mental outlook of teams and groups of employees, station capacity station appearance, standardized management, staff quality has been Deng Jun improved significantly for the enterprise laid the foundation for achieving sustainable development. However, enterprises should further enhance the team management level, strengthen the building of team cohesion teams and g


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