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专英重点 一、 Parapharyngeal 咽旁 Septicemia 败血病 Sialolithiasis 涎石病 Periostitis 骨膜炎 Sialoductitis 涎管炎 Fracture 骨折 Comminution 粉碎 Hyperplasia 增生 Reparative 修复性 Mucoperiosteum 黏骨膜 Radiolucent X光透射 Space 间隙 Infection 感染 Prosthesis义齿 Oblique 倾斜 Scquestrum腐骨 死骨 Biopsy 切片检查法 Sialogram 涎管X线造影片 Giant巨大 Nonmalignant良性的 Pyogenic 化脓性 Mole 胎块 Devoid 缺乏的 Laceration 撕裂 Hyperpyrexia高热 Self-reduce 自行使脱臼复位 句子翻译 If proper preparation of solution, syringes, needles and technic has been carried out, untoward incidents should seldom occur during or after the injection of the local anesthetic. However, one should be in a position to cope with complications in the rare cases when they arise. 若药液注射剂,针头及技术准备妥当,在局麻注射过程中或之后都将很少出现,但是,医生仍应做好应对罕见并发症的准备。 Postoperative pain which the patient experiences after the second and third postoperative day should be carefully examined, since this is not a normal postoperative course. It is caused by dry socket or sharp bone spine. 患者于术后二三日之后的疼痛,可能为非正常情况,需特别仔细检查,其有可能由于干槽症或是尖锐骨刺引起。 Acute dento-alveolar abscess. This is an acute localized suppuration about a tooth. The infection may start in one of three ways: (a) periapical (b)pericemental (c)pericoronal 急性牙槽脓肿,是一种牙齿急性局限性的化脓表现。这种感染可能由下列三种途径引起:根尖周、牙周膜、冠周。 Salivary glands may be involved by tumors, cyst , sialadenitis from infection , sialoductitis with subsequent strictures of the ducts. 涎腺可罹患肿瘤、囊肿、感染所致的涎腺导管炎,及其后遗的导管狭窄症。 The lower jaw is more exposed to violence and consequently is more often fractured than any other facial bone. 下颌骨更加容易暴露于外界暴力中,因此比所有其它的面部骨都更经常发生骨折。 The common diseases of the temporo-mandibular joint are subluxation dislocation and ankylosis. The infection of this joint is rare. 普通疾病会造成颞下颌关节半脱位或脱臼和关节僵直是很非常少见的。 Nearly all of the tumors and cysts which can arise in any part of the body may be found in or around the mouth, except those which are peculiar to certain organs. 几乎全部肿瘤和囊肿会发生在身体的任何部位或嘴巴周围,除非某些特殊的肿


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