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岩石学报/980313 岩 石 学 报 科技期刊 ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA 1998年8月第1 4卷第3期 关于伊利石结晶度诸指数的评价 On the Indices of Illite Crystallinity 王河锦1 2  周 健 1 2 Wang Hejing and Zhou Jian (1.北京大学地质学系,北京,100871;2.中国地质科学院,北京,100037) 原理提出任何衍射峰都是由五个基本要素组成的,即:衍射峰位置;最大衍射强度;半高宽;衍 射峰形态和对称性。各衍射峰要素都具有其自身的物理学意义,其中,只有半高宽和衍射峰形态 是与晶体内部结构和大小即结晶度相联系的。据此,分析评价了与X射线衍射相关的Kübler指 HW及纯C轴厚度等伊利石结晶度指数的理论基础、使用前提和条件、特点及误差源。指出 数;Weaver指数、Weber指数和高宽比为条件性单一结晶度指数;消除晶体内部微应变影响的c轴 厚度为全面描述伊利石结晶度指数;而Milliers指数不可描述伊利石结晶度。   Abstract  Based on the crystallography, the Scherrer law, the Warren-Averbach principle and the shapelogy, the authors propose that a X-ray diffraction peak consists of five basic elements: peak position, maximum intensity, FWHM, shape and the symmetry, and each of them possesses its own physical meaning,respectively. Only the FWHM and the shape are reflecting the crystal strain and size or crystallinity. Comments on the theoretical basement, prerequisite, using conditions, characteristics and error resources are then given to the Kübler Index, Weber-Dunoyer de Segonzac-Economou Index, Weaver Index, Milliers Index, Weber Index, deconvolution HW and average column length along c axis. It is pointed out that Kübler Index ,Weber-Dunoyer de Segonzac-Economou Index and deconvolution HW are able to describe crystal size if the strain factor is hold, and that Weaver Index, Weber Index and the ratio of height to FWHM of the 10 •peak may play the same role with certain conditions. The average column length along c axis derived from Warren-Averbach method is the most precise index of illite crystallinity wh


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