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全部人造材料:all man 人造皮: artifical 装饰边缘:edging 鞋扣:buckie 鞋带: weave tape 包跟: cover heel 松紧带:elastic band/gore 打钉: clip 棉布: cotton flannel 纸版: card board 箱:case 层:layer 尼龙带:nylon band 双数: pairage 同面包装:side by side packing 配双:pairing 干燥剂:silica fee 包装纸:tissue paper 胶带:tape后踵:heel curre 跟踵:crown of last 鞋头翘度:toe spring 处理剂: primer 胶水: cement 鞋带:lace 中底垫皮:sock lining 单底:unit sole 生胶底:plantation crepe 射出底:injection crepe 中插: wedge 后跟: heel 橡胶糊:rubber cement 模子底:shell sole 模子底:moulded sole 鞋口: topline 鞋后高度:back height 鞋头长度: vamp length 鞋眼开口部位: eyestay opening 填腹:bottom filler 后跟垫片:heel pad 中底钉合: insole attaching 前帮机:toe lasting 腰帮机:side lasting 后帮机:heel seat 大底压着: outsole press 拨楦: pull out last 定型加硫箱: neat setter 拨丝钉: pull last 大底车线: outsole 冷冻箱: cooling chamber 放置铁心: putting on shank 贴仿牛皮:imitation leather 裁刀:cutting dies 灯心绒:corduroy 帆布:canvas 鞋头开口:open toe 鞋后开口:open back鞋后密口:closed back 鞋舌:tongue 鞋舌扣环:tongue coop 后上片:mustache 处包片:outside counter 里包片:inside counter 鞋领: collar 装饰带: ornament 后跟包皮:heel binding 鞋口滚边:topline binding 反口领: cuff 构型: construction 楦:last 领口: collar 布扣:ornament 鞋眼:eyelet 鞋带:lace 防水台:platform 三角跟:wedge包头:tip binding鞋靴专业英语词汇2鞋业英汉对表 A abrasion耐磨试验机 accessory配件 ABSacrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin丙烯晴丁二烯苯乙烯树脂 action of sulphur vapor test耐硫化测试 activation活化 activator活化剂 adhesion test黏着测试 adhesive胶水 adjust调整 aerobic shoe有氧舞蹈鞋 after ski boot雪靴 age resister抗老化剂 aging tester老化试验机 air gun气枪 all man-made material全人造材料alligator skin鳄鱼皮 aluminum last铝楦 amalfi construction条状外帮式凉鞋结构 american size scale美制尺度 amphibious boot水陆两用靴 angle on insole中底发角 aniline finish leather苯染皮 ankle boot短靴, 足果靴 ankle足裸 anteiope leather羚羊皮 antique oil安第古油 appearance外观 applique装饰品 approve认可 apron鞋头盖 arch cookie月眉片; 脚掌弓形片 arch support足弓垫 arch足弓 arithmetic grading算朮级放 artificial leather人造皮 artisan; shoemaker鞋匠 assembly成型,装配athleisure


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