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Teachers fair patient learned energetic understanding cooperative humorous Students strong-willed diligent open-minded energetic competitive cooperative civilized teachers students love understand respect learn help encourage Relationship? Useful expressions: In my opinion… I think… The perfect school in my mind is like this. The teachers should be… The students should be… There are many activities… How can we succeed in our future school life? wisdom courage belief luck diligence perseverance determination cooperation competence confidence intelligence Write down your own opinion on what your dream school life like. (100 words) Homework Unit 1 School life What does high school mean in your eyes? High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work! When we speak of school life, which words can you think of ? excitement challenges discoveries failures successes dreams joys sorrows laughter tears Look at the following pictures about high school life in the UK and China. Discuss the following questions with a partner. What is the school life like in the UK? How different is it from that in China? Huge campus low buildings In the UK Tall buildings In China In the UK, there are usually very low houses and huge campus while in China we usually have tall buildings and large campus to make sure that students have enough space to study and play in. Lockers for every student In the UK No lockers in the classroom In China In the UK, there are lockers for each student in the classroom while in China we often have some lockers in every bedroom. Small class sizes In the UK Large numbers of students In China In the UK, there is usually a large classroom with a few students in it, who sit face to face in two lines. The students are encouraged to participate in various classroom activities. In China, we always have a full classroom with students sitting in several lines facing the blackboard and in most cases, students are not so eager to answer the teachers’ que


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