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美国尼伯科青铜球阀应用手册Bronze Ball Valve Application Manual 美国尼伯科有限公司
Bronze Ball Valve Application Manual
E-美国尼伯科E-NIBCO 美国尼伯科有限公司
美国尼伯科流体控制解决方案在我们的网站上可以找到。我们提供系列广泛的金属和塑料阀门和连接件,在全世界为家庭、商业和工业领域提供顺畅的流体控制服务。 NIBCO flow-control solutions are everywhere you look, including on our website. We offer a wide range of metal and plastic valves and fittings that keep residential, commercial and industrial operations flowing smoothly throughout the world.
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“新产品”网页不断更新,展示美国尼伯科新开发的产品。 The New Products page is a continuously updated showcase for new products by NIBCO.
*最近重点包括下列内容: *Current highlights include:
商用和轻工业青铜球阀Commercial light-industrial bronze ball valves
用于Chem-Aire?上的TruConnect? 连接件TruConnect? fittings for Chem-Aire?
Just Right? 热水循环装置Just Right? hot-water circulation device
用于PEX应用领域的PEXlink? 铜连接件PEXlink? copper fittings for PEX applications
用于家庭和商用景观绿化的Turf Bubbler Wick Irrigation? 系统Turf Bubbler Wick Irrigation? system for residential and commercial landscaping ?
“阀门和执行机构”网页提供有价值的参考资料。 The “Valves Actuation” homepage provides easy access to valuable reference tools.
*主要资料包括: *Key information includes:
价格目录(PDF或Excel格式)Price sheets (PDF Excel format) —also accessible from home page
可下载样本(PDF格式)Downloadable catalogs (PDF format)
规格清单形式的在线产品目录On-line product listings with spec. sheets
阀门选型和规格说明指南Valve Selection Spec. Guide
技术图书馆Technical library 美国尼伯科560, 585和595商用/机械用青铜球阀NIBCO 560, 585 and 595Commercial/Mechanical Service Bronze Ball Valves 美国尼伯科有限公司
美国尼伯科青铜球阀系列是当今被广泛指定的机械式应用球阀。选型工程师认可美国尼伯科585-70, 595Y和560-BR系列球阀,并将其作为建筑领域和通用公共事业服务领域的首选产品。额定压力为600 psi CWP和高达250 psi SWP的各种阀门,广泛应用于世界各地的各种应用领域,例如: The NIBCO Bronze Ball Valve line is one of the most highly specified mechanical service ball valve lines in use today. Specifying Engineers recognize the 585–70, 595Y and 560–BR valves by name and have made them the choice in building service and general utility service applic