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某中小企业车间生产调度问题研究 Research on Production Scheduling Problem of Workshop of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 学 院:机械工程学院 专 业 班 级: 学 号: 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 年 月 摘 要 生产调度在任何企业中都是重要的,肩负着企业的日常生产运转,起着组织、协调、检查、考核的职能。目前,制造业的竞争日益激烈,在企业的日常运作过程中,会经常遇到各种各样的复杂的调度问题,车间生产调度问题解决的好坏直接影响着企业的运作效率和最终客户满意程度。因此,调度问题已经成为运营管理领域的一大研究特点。对其进行深入的研究具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。 本文首先论述本文研究内容的目的和意义,介绍了生产调度问题在国内外的研究现状,分析了该领域中存在的问题及发展趋势。其次结合我国中小型企业的特点,研究了有关车间调度的基本理论,并总结了车间生产调度的优化方法和策略,分析和比较了各种生产调度算法的优缺点,对车间调度问题进行了描述,做出了生产调度问题的改善。在几种求解车间调度的方法中,着重介绍了启发式方法中的palmer算法和彼得罗夫-哈姆算法。 通过对沈阳亚中机械设备有限公司的车间调度问题进行分析和研究,运用palmer算法和彼得罗夫-哈姆算法,对现有的排产顺序进行改善,生产效率提高了28%,提高了企业的竞争力。并对这两种算法进行了比较与选优,来说明生产调度方法的采用必须依具体车间的生产情况来确定。 关键词:中小企业;生产调度;彼得罗夫-哈姆算法 ;帕姆算法 Abstract Production scheduling is important in any enterprise, shouldering the day-to-day production operation of the enterprise, playing the organization, coordination, inspection, evaluation functions. With the increasingly fierce competition in the manufacturing sector, we inevitably encounter a variety of complex scheduling problem in the daily operation of the process, thus shop scheduling problem solving lends a direct impact on the operational efficiency of the enterprise and the ultimate customer satisfaction level, ultimately affecting the ability to respond to business-to-market and competitiveness. Therefore, the scheduling problem has become one of the major study characteristics of the operations management field. Its in-depth study has important theoretical and practical significance. Based on the small and medium-sized enterprises in the workshop investigation, at first the purpose and meaning of this project are discussed, and the importance of shop production scheduling is presented, the trend of the domestic and overseas research of shop produce and the existent problems in this domain are analyzed. Secondly the basic theories about shop scheduling are studied, and the optimizing means and the strategy of shop production scheduling are summari



