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Copyrighted material of: School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University (2017). Published by: The Chinese University Press. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 41 2017 1–40 學術對談 數字時代華人傳播學術期刊的發展與挑戰 主持人:陳韜文、黃煜 對談人:林富美、周樹華、胡智鋒、韋路、郝曉鳴、唐緒軍、 張濤甫、馮建三、楊意菁、劉海龍、羅文輝、蘇鑰機 統 稿:陳韜文、程曉萱 第一排(由左至右):陳韜文、黃煜 第二排(由左至右):林富美、周樹華、胡智鋒、韋路、郝曉鳴、唐緒軍 第三排(由左至右):張濤甫、馮建三、楊意菁、劉海龍、羅文輝、蘇鑰機 陳韜文,香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院研究與榮休教授、《傳播與社會學刊》 創刊主編。研究興趣:政治傳播、新聞學研究、國際傳播。電郵:jchan003@ 程曉萱,香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院博士、《傳播與社會學刊》執行編輯。 研究興趣:媒介社會學、新聞生產。電郵 Copyrighted material of: School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University (2017). Published by: The Chinese University Press. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Communication Society, 41 (2017), 1–40 Dialogue Chinese Communication Journals in the Digital Age: Development and Challenges Moderators: Joseph M. CHAN, Yu HUANG Discussants: Fu-Mei LIN, Shuhua ZHOU, Zhifeng HU, Lu WEI, Xiaoming HAO, Xujun TANG, Taofu ZHANG, Chien-San FENG, Yie-Jing YANG, Hailong LIU, Ven-Hwei LO, Clement Y. K. SO Editors: Joseph M. CHAN, Daisy Xiaoxuan CHENG Abstract This is a roundtable attended by editors of the major communication journals published in the Chinese societies of mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The first set of topics pertains to the organization and operation of the journals, including their positioning, review system, status of submissions, criteria for acceptance, setup of special issues, and the impact of citation statistics on the journals. Most journals have already adopted the double-blind rev



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