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2011届高考名校英语模拟新题分类解析之状语从句(2011?重庆师大附中第一次月考)28.—I’ll join the music club ________ Mary is in the club, too.—You mean if Mary joins the club you’ll do, too.A. in case?B. so that?C. now that?D. on condition thatD考查条件状语从句的连接词。句意:只要玛丽在那个俱乐部我就加入那个音乐俱乐部。此处on condition that表条件。(2011?重庆师大附中第一次月考)31.In peace, too, the Red Cross is expected to send help ________ there is human suffering.A. whoever?B. however?C. whatever?D. whereverD考查让步状语从句的连接词。不管哪里有灾难,红十字会就会送去帮助。(2011?唐山市摸底)16.?????? you must remain calm.? ?A.Whatever you may be frightened??B.However frightened you may be???C.Whatever frightened you may be??D.However you may be frightenedB考查让步状语从句。句意:不管你们多么害怕,你们必须保持冷静。(2011?浙江温州八校返校联考)36.________ you've got a chance to go abroad for further study, why not seize it ??A.Now that ??? ?B.As though???? ?C.In case??????? ?D.Ever sinceA考查原因状语从句的连接词。此处now that意为:既然。句意:既然你有出国深造的机会,为什么不抓住它呢?(2011?浙江学军中学第一次月考)35. ______ it is true that a student’s most important goal is to do well in his or her studies, it doesn’t need to be the only goal.A. When????? ?B. As? ?? ?? C. While? ?? D. BeforeC考查状语从句的连接词。此处while意为:尽管,虽然。句意:尽管学生的最重要的目标是在学习上做得好,但也不必是唯一的目标。(2011?浙江学军中学第一次月考)36. ______, a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.”?A. Looking through the newspaper??? B. While I was looking through the newspaper??? C. To look through the newspaper??????? D. I was looking through the newspaper?B考查状语从句的知识。此处由于主句与从句的主语不一致,故不能改写成分词短语的形式。需完整的句子来表达。(2011?浙江温州十校联考)12._______ most children nowadays are the only children, they tend to be more self-centered.?A.Ever since?B.Now that?C.Only if?D.Even thoughB考查状语从句的连接词。此处now that意为:既然。句意:因为当今大多数孩子是独生子,所以他们更加自私。(2011?浙江温州十校联考)5.I’m not sure whether I will have anything else to do this evening._____, I will try every possible means to come to your birthday party.?A.Even though ?B.If so???? ?C.Anyhow?? ?D.InsteadC考查状语从句的省略。句意:我不知道今晚是否有其他事要做。不管怎么说,我也要尽量参加你的生日聚会。(2011?广西玉林、南宁二中9月联考)34.He will never give up the c


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