species discrimination among three kinds of puffer fish using an electronic nose combined with olfactory sensory evaluation物种歧视中三种河豚鱼使用电子鼻子嗅觉感官评价相结合.pdfVIP
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species discrimination among three kinds of puffer fish using an electronic nose combined with olfactory sensory evaluation物种歧视中三种河豚鱼使用电子鼻子嗅觉感官评价相结合
Sensors 2012, 12, 12562-12571; doi:10.3390/s120912562
ISSN 1424-8220
Species Discrimination among Three Kinds of Puffer Fish
Using an Electronic Nose Combined with
Olfactory Sensory Evaluation
Meixiu Zhang 1, Xichang Wang 1, Yuan Liu 1,2,*, Xinglian Xu 2 and Guanghong Zhou 2
1 College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Engineering Research Center of
Aquatic-Product Processing Preservation, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;
E-Mails: mxzhan (M.Z.); xcwang@ (X.W.)
2 National Center of Meat Quality and Safety Control, Nanjing Agricultural University,
Nanjing 210095, China; E-Mails: xlxu@ (X.X.); ghzhou@ (G.Z.)
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: yliu@;
Tel.: +86-21-6190-0380; Fax: +86-21-6190-0365.
Received: 11 May 2012; in revised form: 31 July 2012 / Accepted: 2 August 2012 /
Published: 13 September 2012
Abstract: Species discrimination among three kinds of puffer fish, Takifugu obscurus,
Takifuguflavidus and Takifugu rubripes, was conducted using an electronic nose combined
with olfactory sensory evaluation. All data were treated by multivariate data processing
based on principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant factor analysis (DFA). The
results showed the discriminant model by PCA method and DFA method. Using PCA and
DFA, it was shown that the electronic nose was able to reasonably distinguish between
each of the eleven puffer fish
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