Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A 1 教学.ppt

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A 1 教学.ppt

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Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A 1 教学

A: How long have you been skating? B: I’ve been skating since I was seven years old. Ask and answer questions about the people in the picture in 1a. (1c) Pair work - How long have you been skating? - I’ve been skating since nine o’clock. I’ve been skating for five hours. - How long did you skate? - I skated for two hours. Translate and write them down. 1. - 他踢足球踢了多长时间了? - 他踢了五个小时了。 2. – 你滑冰有多久了? - 我从七岁就开始滑冰了。 How long has he been playing football? He’s been playing for five hours. How long have you been skating? I’ve been skating since I was seven years old. Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section A Period One Words preview collect shell marathon pair skate since 收集; 搜集 贝壳; 壳 马拉松赛跑 一对; 一双 溜冰鞋 自从; 自……以来 Discussion 1. How long did you sleep last night? 2. When did you start class today? 3. How long have you been in class today? Look and say How long did she skate? She skated for three hours. How long have you been skating? I have been skating for five hours. How long____ he_____________? He______________________________. has been sleeping has been sleeping for eight hours Listen. A reporter is talking to the participants in a skating marathon. Fill in the chart below. (1b) How long? Alison Sam Victor Celia I’ve been skating for five hours. I skated for four hours. I’ve been skating for five hours. I skated for two hours. _________have they been skating? Alison _______________for five hours. Sam ______at nine o’clock in the morning and ________at one o’clock in the afternoon. Sam______ for four hours. He was very tired! Victor started_______ at nine o’clock. He’s been skating____ five hours. Celia skated____ two hours. How long has been skating started stopped skated Fill in the blanks. skating for for A: How long has Alison been skating? B: She’s been skating for five hours. A: How long did Sam skate? B: He skated for four hours. Ask and answer questions about the people in the picture. (1c) Pair work Do you


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