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* 1a In your group, discuss the following questions. How old is a teenager? 2. What are some of the rules that a teenager should obey? From 13 to 19. Don’t smoke . Teenagers aren’t allowed to get ears pierced. wear uniforms study in groups run in the hallways eat in class copy others’ homework get to class late go to sleep by 11:00pm respect our teachers As a student, I have to …I am allowed to… I am not allowed to… finish homework before watching TV play computer games get my ears pierced choose my own clothes stay up until 10:00 pm make my own decisions As a son/daughter, I have to …I am allowed to…I am not allowed to… make one’s own decisions: 自己做决定 Should I be allowed to make my own decisions? Unit 3 Do you always have some disagreements with your parents? Maybe there is generation gap between you and your parents. You have hobbies, but your parents don’t allow you to practice your hobbies as much as you want, especially now you are Junior Students of Grade 9. They might worry about your success at school. They think those hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork. However, you maybe feel differently. And you disagree with your parents. 代沟 get in the way of…: 妨碍,阻碍 Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. I will achieve my dream. My dream will come true. I should be allowed to make the decision for myself. He likes running very much. To be a professional runner is his dream. But his parents disagree. Words Expressions obey get in the way achieve realistic importance care about succeed point taught 过去时 race 赛跑 比赛 服从; 顺从 妨碍 完成; 实现 现实的; 注重实际的 重要; 重要性 担心; 关心 成功; 达到; 完成 要点 Read the passage and circle “TRUE”, or “FALSE”. 1. Liu Yu wants to be a writer. TRUE FALSE 2. Parents worry about his study . TRUE FALSE 5.Liu Yu isn’t serious about running. 3.Liu loves running so much. TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE 4. Parents think he sh


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