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L4CFG cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * Context-free Grammars cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * Recursive definition Grammar Derivation cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * What is the syntax of the description (meta-language)? External form of the grammar How do we associate a language with such a description? Semantics or use of the grammar Generators: Grammars specify languages by generating strings in the language. Recognizers: Grammars can be viewed as a notation for describing a family of recognition algorithms. cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * CFG = (V, ,P,S) V : Finite set of variables/non-terminals : Alphabet/Finite set of terminals P : Finite set of rules/productions S : Start symbol cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * a* represents a context-free language because we can write a CFG for it. A-rule, null-rule, -rule. Context-freeness: An A-rule can be applied whenever A occurs in a string, irrespective of the context (that is, non-terminals and terminals around A). Cf. context-sensitive grammar (“declare-use”) cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * One-step Derivation (Defn: 3.1.2) w is derivable from v in CFG, if there is a finite sequence of rule applications such that: From CFG to Language cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * Let G=(V, S, P, S) be a CFG. is a sentential form, if . is a sentence, if . The language of G, L(G) = cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * Derivation of aabb Derivation tree S a b S a b l cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * Derivation Tree (abstracts derivation) S A B a A B b l l cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * Examples: CFGs and CFLs cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * Note that parentheses are part of the meta-language. cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * Left to right generation of string. cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * A regular grammar is a CFG in which each of the rules has the form: (Right Linear Grammar) Regular Grammar cs466(Prasad) L4CFG * A r


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