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全球永續發展與學校綠建築規畫之探析 湯志民 摘要 工業革命之後,人口激增、工業發達,環境資源的過度消耗,使得地球環境 遭逢前所未有危機,如臭氧層破壞、溫室效應、全球暖化、淡水資源減少、有害 廢棄物的污染等等,「永續發展」(sustainable development)乃成為全球的趨勢 。全球 永續發展理念的推展,帶動各國建立綠建築指標,及學校綠建築的推展 。 本文先要略介紹地球環境危機和全球永續發展趨勢 ,並說明世界各國推展學 校綠建築的概況,包括澳洲的永續學校、英國的生態學校、美國的健康學校和加 拿大的種子學校,以資借鏡 。同時,引介臺灣學校綠建築規畫,並實地觀察 33 所 綠色學校(國中 4 校、國小 13 校,計 17 校)、永續校園(計國小 8 校)和新設學校(國 中 3 校、國小 5 校,計 8 校)為研究對象,以了解臺灣國中小學校綠建築規畫的重 點和主要問題 。總之,學校綠建築是一個很新的理論與實務工作,也是莫之能禦 的世界趨勢,我們不但要趕快了解,也要加緊腳步,跟上隊伍 。 關鍵詞: 永續發展、綠建築、綠色學校、永續校園、學校綠建築 The study of global sustainable development and the green school buildings planning Tang, Chih-Min abstract After the Industrial Revolution, the world population increases significantly and at the same time, industry becomes prosperous and technology progresses dramatically, which in turn results in an over-consumption of environmental resources and puts the Earth’s environment at an unprecedented risk. For instance, the Ozone layer is being depleted, the greenhouse effect is triggered, global warming begins to threaten, fresh water becomes scarce, toxic wastes increases and the environment is suffering. Therefore, “sustainable development” has now become an overwhelming global trend. The idea of sustainable development has encouraged countries around the world to establish exemplary green buildings, and even schools in those countries have practiced the very idea. This article refers to the environmental problem of the Earth and the global trend of the sustainable development, and profiles how certain countries practice the idea of green school buildings which include the Sustainable School program in Australia, the Eco-school movement in England, the Healthy School system in USA, and the Seed School program in Canada, with a view to getting us ready to be their em


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