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第 29 卷  第 5 期 自  动  化  学  报 Vol 29 ,No 5 2003 年 9 月 ACTA AU TOMA TICA SIN ICA Sept. ,2003   图像的自适应模糊阈值分割法1) 陈 果  左洪福 (南京航空航天大学民航学院 南京 210016) ( Email : cgzyx @263. net) 摘  要  针对目前图像模糊阈值分割法所存在的窗口宽度自动选取困难的问题 ,在预先给定隶 属函数和图像像素类别数的情况下 ,提出了图像模糊阈值分割法的自适应窗宽选取方法. 同时 , 针对用模糊阈值方法难于分割的具有单峰或双峰差别很大的直方图的图像 ,提出了一种直方图 变换方法 ,对变换后的直方图 ,利用自适应模糊阈值分割法可以获取有效的分割. 最后 ,算例表 明了文中所提方法的简洁性、有效性和很好的鲁棒性. 关键词  图像分割 ,模糊集 ,阈值选取 , 自适应,直方图 中图分类号  TP391. 4 ;V233. 4 ;V263. 6 The Image Adaptive Thresholding by Index of Fuzziness CHEN Guo  ZUO HongFu ( Civil A viation College , N anji n g U niversity of Aeronautics and Ast ronautics , N anji n g  210016) ( Email : cgzyx @263. net) Abstract   The problem of automatic selection of window size is investigated for image thresholding by index of fuzziness. Under a predetermined membership function and given the class numbers of image pixels , an adaptive window size selection method for image thresholding by index of fuzziness is put forward. At the same time , images which are diffi cult to be segmented using thredholding by index of fuzziness because of histograms possess ing one mode or two modes with great disparit y in between are studied. A histogram trans formation method is presented , and through the transformed histogram , images can be seg mented effectively using the adaptive thresholding by index of fuzziness. Finally , examples show that the method put forward in this paper is simple , effective , and robust . Key words  Image


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