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Unit7How much are these scoks? SectionB (2a-3b) 佳化学校:舒杭 Clothes 衣服 what clothes can you see ? 你能看到什么衣服 ad 广告 What other clothes do you know? 你还知道哪些服装。 buy 买 buy…for sb. 给…买 a pair of … 一双… at very good prices 价格非常便宜 Guessing game.猜价格 How much is\are… It’s\they’re… $10 $5 $30 $22 $6 $12 $15 $25 $20 $30 Mr. Cool’s clothes Store Store 商店 Mr . =先生 They sell all the clothes at very good prices 他们卖衣服以非常便宜的价格 sell 出售,卖 all 所有的,全部的 at very good prices. 以非常便宜的价格 sale !! 特价销售 we can buy the clothes at great sale!我们可以在大甩卖上买衣服。 Skim and answer 略读并回答 What clothes can you buy from the store? 在商店你能买到什么? We can buy_______________ Color things price sweaters trousers \ shorts skirts \ jackets shoes \ socks green yellow black $15 $22 purple $16 $20 $2 for 3 piars $30 black $28 $12 Can you find other sentences to tell the price . 你能找出其他表示价格的句子么? Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 2.We have green sweaters for only $15! 3. For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20. 联系上下文,猜测红色词的用法和含义。 以…;在… “for + 价格” :用,或者不翻译 “for + 人” :对于 “in + 颜色”:不翻译 Imagine you work at Mr. Cool’s clothes store .complete the conversation and practice it in a group. 假如你在Mr. Cool’s clothes Store 工作,补全对话并与小组同伴练习。 (三个人一组进行练习) You: Hello, ______ I help you? Girl: Yes, please. I need a ______. You: How about these purple ______. Girl: Oh, I like this one. How ______ is it? You: It’s only ______ dollars. Girl: Oh, good. I’ll _____ it. You: And what do you need? Boy: Well, I need a pair of black _______ for school. You: What about this pair? They are _____ twenty-eight _______. Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too? You: Yes, our shorts are only __________ dollars. Boy: OK. I’ll take the _____ and the ______. 2c can skirt skirts much 20 take shoes only dollars 16 shoes shorts Check the answers. 检查答案。 Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices . Do you like sweaters? We h


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