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Chinese Journal of Zoology 2009, 44( 1) : 118~ 121 * 夏玉国 赵文阁 刘 鹏 ( 150025; 150025) : 2005 5~ 7 2006 5 15 km ( Lacerta vivpi ara) 15 , , ( Quercus mongolica) ( Betula davurica) , , , , , , , : ; ; : Q958 : A : 2009) 0111804 Habitat of Lacerta vivip ara in Spring in the North of Xiaoxing!an Mountains * XIA YuGuo ZHAO W nG LIU P ng ( Harbin Normal University , Harbin 150025; Heilongj iang Vocational College of Biology cience and Technology, Harbin 150025, China) Abstract: Th habitat charact r of Lacerta vivipara was studi d in th rang 15 km at Sunwu Country, H ilongjiang Provinc by using lin trans ct m thod in May, Jun , 2005 and May, 2006. Fift n nvironm nt factors w r coll ct d and analyz d. Th most suitabl habitat of L . vivipara locat d in for sts dominat d by Quercus mongolica Btula davurica at middl and low r position in th g ntl slop with half sunny and half shad xpos in spring . Th location that L .vivipara was found usually was h avily cov r d by fall n l av s with mod rat humidity and sunshin , soft soil, l ss natural n mi s and human disturbanc . In spring L . vivip ara g n rally s l ct habitat that can provid rich food r sourc , good cov r and suffici nt h at. Th habitat s l ction in sp ci s by L. vivipara was its adaptation strat gy to th nvironm nt in high latitud . Key words: Lacerta vivip ara; Habitat charact r ; Sp ci s prot ction ( Lacerta vivipara) , , , , , [ 1] (No. , ( 2005) ;


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