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第31 卷 第4 期 采矿与安全工程学报 Vol.31 No.4 2014 年07 月 Journal of Mining Safety Engineering July 2014 文章编号:1673-3363-(2014)04-0506-061 上下采空极近距离煤层开采围岩应力 及破坏特征研究 张向阳,常聚才 (安徽理工大学能源与安全学院,煤矿安全高效开采省部共建教育部重点实验室,安徽 淮南 232001) 摘要 针对极近距离煤层群开采过程中出现的上下采空后进行中间煤层开采的具体工程条件,运 用数值模拟、相似模拟和工程实践相结合的研究方法,分析了上下采空极近距离煤层开采过程中 采场围岩应力分布规律、位移变化及变形破坏特征。研究表明:在煤层厚度不大、顶底板岩层基 本稳定和采高3 m 左右情况下,上下采空极近距离煤层开采中,煤层及顶底板整体应力有所降低, 且其完整性没有受到严重破坏;而在工作面两巷外侧一定范围围岩应力集中程度明显加强,在工 作面切眼和收作线煤壁附近 35 m 范围内,形成一定范围的剪切破裂区。在上下采空极近距离煤 层开采中,应加强两巷修护与加固,合理布置工作面以避开应力集中区和剪切破裂区,并采取相 应矿压控制措施,保证工作面正常安全开采。 关键词 上下采空;极近距离煤层;煤层群开采;围岩应力;围岩破坏特征 中图分类号 TD 323 文献标志码 A Stress and failure characteristics of surrounding rock in the extremely close distance coal seams group mining after the upper and lower coal seam mining ZHANG Xiangyang ,CHANG Jucai (School of Mining and Safety Engineering,Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Safety and Efficiently Caving of Ministry of Education, Anhui University of Science and Technology ,Huainan ,Anhui 232001 ,China) Abstract In response to the engineering specifications of the middle coal seam mining after the upper and lower coal seam mining during the extremely close distance coal seam group mining, by adopting the numerical simulation, analog simulation and the engineering practice, the stress distribution, the dis- placement variation characteristics and the fracture of the stope surrounding rock during the extremely close distance coal seam mining has been analyzed. Results show that the roof and floor stress decreases, and its integrity isn’t badly damaged during the extremely close distance coal seam mining when the coal seam is


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