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Crop circle麦田怪圈 You need to understand that Stonehenge is in Crop Circle Country, and that there have been significant Crop Circles in fields right opposite the Stonehenge. Windermere Lake温德米尔湖 Grasmere water格里斯米尔湖 Grasmere?is one of the smaller lakes of the?English Lake District, in the county of?Cumbria [‘k?mbri?] , It gives its name to the?village of Grasmere, famously associated with the poet?William Worthworth, which lies immediately to the north of the lake. 位于温德米尔湖北边,小巧优美,除了怡人的风景外,这里也以华兹华斯的故居“鸽舍”和他散步的故道而闻名,在诗人眼中,这里是“痛苦世界里安宁的中心” 。 River Thames泰晤士河 ?It is the longest river entirely in England and the?second longest in the United Kingdom, after the?River Severn. While it is best known for flowing through?London, the river also flows alongside other towns and cities, including?Oxford and?Windsor. London Wetland Centre 伦敦湿地中心 伦敦湿地中心(London Wetland Centre)是欧洲最大的内陆湿地之一。6年前,这里还只是泰晤士河南岸4个废弃的混凝土水库的旧址。英国野生鸟类和湿地基金会耗资2500万美元,引水排淤,分隔水域,种植了30多万株水生植物和3万多棵树,将其改造成为现今欧洲最大的城市人工湿地系统。 The Giant‘s Causeway巨人之路 The Giant‘s Causeway is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt玄武岩 columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. 巨人之路由四万块玄武岩连锁构成,大堤道是北爱尔兰海岸上古代火山爆发形成的。 一个版本说巨人堤道由爱尔兰巨人 Finn McCool 建造。事缘不知好歹的苏格兰巨人在苏格兰的海岸,隔着大海向 Finn McCool 挑衅,夸耀自己如何力大无穷,还说︰我可以一手置你于死地,可惜我不会游水,否否一定跟你较量!Finn McCool 听罢怒不可竭,於是便将岩柱一个个移到海底,建一条石道跨过大海,好让苏格兰巨人过来一较高下。当苏格兰巨人走到半路,眼見 Finn McCool 的巨大身型后,落慌而逃。 另一浪漫的说法是爱尔兰国王军的指挥官 Finn McCool 力大无穷,一次在同苏格兰巨人的打斗中,隨手拾起一块石块,掷逃跑的对手,石块落在海里,就形成了今天的巨人岛。后来他爱上了住在內赫布里底群島的巨人姑娘,为了接她到此地来,就建造了这条堤道。 * Natural Scenery in Britain 英国地图 Stonehenge 英国巨石阵 This ancient monument of huge stones standing on the vast Salisbury [‘s?:lzb?ri]? plains in England has captured our imaginations for centuries. It’s the most enigmatic [,en?g‘m?t?k]?神秘的 prehistoric史前 monument on earth. it was constructed before 2000BC.Exactly why it was built is unknown but it must have had religious and political significance. 巨石阵的景点是被栏杆围起来的


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