现代护理要求护士应具备的条件现代护理要求护士应具备的条件文库(Modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions, modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions of the library).doc

现代护理要求护士应具备的条件现代护理要求护士应具备的条件文库(Modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions, modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions of the library).doc

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现代护理要求护士应具备的条件现代护理要求护士应具备的条件文库(Modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions, modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions of the library)

现代护理要求护士应具备的条件现代护理要求护士应具备的条件文库(Modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions, modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions of the library) Spring tide even sea level, sea moon tide. This could not. Lying alone in a lonely village without pity, still think of the Luntai garrison. Qu Zequan is straight. Modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions, modern nursing requirements, nurses should have the conditions Authors: Lv Yan, author: 130051 Changchun peoples Hospital of Jilin Province: Medical Journal / comprehensive collection of medical science [Abstract] with the development of modern technology, people demand for nursing staff are increasingly high requirements of nursing staff to continuously improve their ability to undertake professional role, to adapt to the development of modern nursing profession. Keywords modern nursing nurse; condition; Nursing staff should have high professional spirit and moral integrity The so-called professional spirit is dedication, love their nursing work, nursing work is the object of thought, emotional person, now nursing mode requires nurses applied psychology and sociology is the implementation of a full range of nursing knowledge for patients. Caring, caring, sincere, considerate, caring, caring, caring, and patient like a dose of medicine. The nursing work is temporary and psychological disadvantaged group dealing with work, if nurses can according to different characteristics of the patients, treated with inspiration, enlighten, to enable patients to establish the confidence to overcome the disease, which is very important in nursing work. Nursing work is carried out without supervision. It can be said that a lot of work is done with conscience, so nurses are required to have basic ethics, In the work should reflect the sympathy for the patient, love, care for patients should be active, patient and meticulous, and patients to talk, communication, and patients to establish g


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