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班得瑞简介(Bandari) Album introduction: The sound of water, birds, to calm peoples emotions, our physical and mental relaxation, and give people a sense of return to nature, listen to the voice of Alpha, brain waves will increase, the left and right brain communication will be more effective, and slowly open the wisdom...... From the natural breath and gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind Pick the nature nurtures the soul note A timeless choice; a never regret decision No age limit for music Orchestra profile: The characteristics of the 3 strongest music 1. field visits to Switzerland Spring Lake and Rose Hill, the Alps of natural vowels basket. 2., mainly emphasizes a gentle absoluteness, which is the purest and most stable musical prescription sign. 3. unique ultra wide sound vacant, the most elusive arranger constitute a highly immersive nature of music. The framework of music at zero pressure, zero burden of music, more fine cut each rail track of the resolution, the sound field effect more ethereal feeling, you will experience a round the perfect voice, as even the most subtle acoustic edges are accepted...... 1990 fortune Switzerland - from a group of loving the life of the young composer, performer and sound engineer sample and so on young people. Colonel Oliver Schwartz is a versatile musician, not only the expertise of a variety of musical instruments, more familiar with advanced recording engineering. In particular, he pioneered the use of advanced digital sampling technology, the natural sounds, the use of late mother with 24bit digital recording, Great details are recorded and the quality is very clear. Oliver Schwartz worked with producer Aleksk Ristensen King CO produced Time to Say Good-bye for Sarah Brightman, but he loved the music of the new century, the final choice will dedicate a talent to the Swiss mountains! Bandari world famous unique Whenever execution than Bandari music production, from A to Z, secluded in the mountains in the Alps, do n


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