瓦松栓抗炎作用研究(Study on the anti-inflammatory effect of Wasong suppository).doc

瓦松栓抗炎作用研究(Study on the anti-inflammatory effect of Wasong suppository).doc

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瓦松栓抗炎作用研究(Study on the anti-inflammatory effect of Wasong suppository)

瓦松栓抗炎作用研究(Study on the anti-inflammatory effect of Wasong suppository) Study on the anti-inflammatory effect of Wasong suppository Update Date: 2011-05-18 Click: Cai Yuying, Zhang Weiwei, Xing Guang, Liu Meihong, He Zuze Abstract the anti-inflammatory effects of experimental inflammation model of Wasong suppository was studied. The results showed that high dose of Wasong suppository has obvious inhibitory effects on rat inflammatory granulation swelling (P 0.05); there is significant effect on rat hind paw swelling, and with the increase of dose effect was significantly enhanced. Prompt Wasong suppository has obvious anti-inflammatory effect. Keywords Wasong Wasong suppository; anti-inflammatory effect; The, Research, on, the, Anti-inflammation, Effect, of, Wasong, Suppository Cai, Yuying, Zhang, Wei, Wei, Xingguang, et, Al Institute, of, Materia, Medica, Shandong, Academy, of, Medical, Sciences, Jinan 250062 Abstract The anti-inflammation effect of Wasong suppo sitory has been researched with animal inflammatory experimental model.The resul ts showed that high dose of Wasong suppository had good inhibitory effect to rat inflammatory grannuloma (P 0.05) and this effect became better w hen the dose increased. So Wasong suppository was concluded to have good anti-in flammation effect. Key words Wasong; Wasong suppository; 抗炎作用 瓦松栓是由单味中药瓦松经化学提取制成的纯中药栓剂。具有抗菌、消炎、生肌等功效。临床上用于治疗妇女宫颈糜烂。为进一步阐明其药效作用,我们选用实验性炎症模型对该药的药理作用进行了研究,现报道如下: 1材料 1.1瓦松栓,由本所天然药物研究室提供。 1.2泼尼松,由济宁第三制药厂提供,批号为84090 5。 1.3动物:选用体重为150~180克健康的雌性Wistar大鼠,由山东省实验动物中心提供。 2方法与结果 2.1瓦松栓对慢性非特异性炎症的作用:取Wistar大鼠40只随机分为4组,每组10只,用乙醚麻醉后将10毫克重的灭菌棉球埋入(体积基本一致)大鼠左鼠蹊部皮下,此后随机分为瓦松栓大剂量组(0.2克/只),小剂量组(0.04克/只),泼尼松(10毫克/只)阳性对照组和聚乙二醇(0.4克/只)阴性对照组,1次/ D,放入阴道内共9 d,10 d第将鼠处死,即将棉球连同结缔组织包被一起剥出,滤纸吸干后,置80℃箱内干燥6 h,称量计算所植棉球与增生的结缔组织干重(见表1)。 表1所示,瓦松栓大剂量对炎性肉芽肿有明显的抑制作用(P<0.05),小剂量也显示抗炎趋势,但无统计学意义。 Table 1 Effects of Wasong suppository on inflammatory granuloma in rats (n=10) Group dose (g/kg) granuloma weight; (+ s, Mg) P value Polyethylene glycol 0


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