电缆故障点的四种实用测定方法(Four practical measuring methods for cable fault point).doc

电缆故障点的四种实用测定方法(Four practical measuring methods for cable fault point).doc

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电缆故障点的四种实用测定方法(Four practical measuring methods for cable fault point)

电缆故障点的四种实用测定方法(Four practical measuring methods for cable fault point) Four practical measuring methods for cable fault point With the 1 types of cable fault judgment Whether it is a high voltage cable or a low-voltage cable, during construction, installation and operation, it is often caused by short-circuit, overload operation, insulation aging or external force and other reasons. Cable fault can be summarized as a grounding short circuit, break three, the fault types are mainly the following aspects: the Three core cable, one core or two core earthing. The Short circuit between two phase core wires. The Full short-circuit of three-phase core. The One phase core line broken or multi phase broken line. The For direct short-circuit or disconnection fault with a multimeter can directly measure, for non direct short-circuit and ground fault, use megohmmeter to test the core wire line core insulation resistance or the insulation resistance, the resistance can be determined according to the fault type. The After the fault type is determined, it is not an easy task to find the fault point. According to the authors experience, several methods for finding fault points are introduced for reference. In Method to find the 2 cable fault point (1): the sound measuring method The so-called acoustic measurement method is based on the voice of the fault cable to find, the method for high-voltage cable core insulation flashover discharge is more effective. The equipment used in this method is a DC withstand voltage tester. The circuit connection is shown in Figure 1, in which SYB is a high-voltage test transformer, C is a high-voltage capacitor, ZL is a high voltage rectifier silicon stack, R is limited to flow resistance, Q is a discharge ball gap, and L is a cable core wire. The When the capacitor is charged to a C voltage, discharge ball gap of cable fault in the fault at the core line, cable line and the insulation layer discharge Zi Zi, the spark discharge acoustic, for the n


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