电脑维修忠告(Computer maintenance advice).doc

电脑维修忠告(Computer maintenance advice).doc

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电脑维修忠告(Computer maintenance advice)

电脑维修忠告(Computer maintenance advice) In that case, the cost will be reduced a lot, but the motherboard saves a lot of material, it will be unstable, bad luck is to buy books? Extended memory, motherboard stability higher Generally speaking, this is not told to buy home is onboard memory or extended memory, if you use the two memory slots, so the board will write, because is extended in inches, high stability, not easy to make a mistake, you can change the bad inner size is fine, but if is the inch chip is directly soldered to the motherboard, which board inch line is not stable, it is easy to appear blue screen file Huaping black machine and so on all kinds of instability phenomenon will appear, not in rotten rotten, in general this board are scrapped, because the line on the plate in inches the bad jargon you cannot read, do not say, before you have to buy the best understanding of the book is inserted in the expansion slot is directly soldered to the motherboard, two inch Binet expansion slot plate stability directly In the plate on the plate welding to about ten times higher, at least I repair plate, two inch slot for external in inches, the line is not easily broken, and I maintenance onboard within inches of boards, large quantities of scrap, it is difficult to repair. Its all internal wiring. Suggest that you buy those using an extended memory bar, the stability is very high! Integrated graphics card stability is several times higher, there are graphics boards, really rotten. If the motherboard is welded independent graphics card, if you do not spend the screen, it seems that the display is better than the integrated graphics card, but if there is a black screen screen, the motherboard directly scrapped it, it is recommended that you buy new board. It is difficult to repair, it is difficult to judge or corrupted memory card. And the graphics card line is a problem, it is not found out, in the factory is not to engineer, which time to check each line, unrealisti


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