生理学教案第三章 血液(Physiology lesson plan third chapters blood).doc

生理学教案第三章 血液(Physiology lesson plan third chapters blood).doc

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生理学教案第三章 血液(Physiology lesson plan third chapters blood)

生理学教案第三章 血液(Physiology lesson plan third chapters blood) The third chapter blood [teaching purposes and requirements] Grasp the physical and chemical characteristics and physiological significance of blood, physiological hemostasis process, blood type classification basis. Be familiar with the physiological function of blood cells. Understanding the regulation of blood cell production. [emphasis] 1. physiological hemostasis [difficulty] 1. plasma osmolality 2. physiological characteristics of platelets [class]:5 hours Section 1 blood composition and blood volume I. composition of the blood 1. the chemical constituents of the plasma (crystals, substances, solutions, plasma proteins) 2. classification of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets) and hematocrit Hematocrit (Hematocrit): percentage of the percentage of blood cells in the bloodstream. Normal values: adult males, 40%-50% Adult female 37%-48% About 55% newborn Increased hematocrit; seen in polycythemia; decreased in anemia. Two, blood volume (blood volume) The total amount of blood in the human body is referred to as blood volume. It refers to the total volume of blood stored in the circulatory system. The total blood of normal adults is about 7-8% of the body weight, that is, about 70-80ml of blood per kilogram of body weight. Blood volume is divided into circulating blood volume and reserve blood volume. Circulating blood volume accounts for most of the rapid flow in the cardiovascular system Reserve blood volume: a small part, rest in the liver, spleen and abdominal cavity, flow slow, emergency can be added circulation blood. Relatively constant blood volume is important for normal human life activities. Three, the physical and chemical characteristics of blood (1) the specific gravity of the blood (Specific, Gravity); Whole blood 1.050-1.060 Plasma 1.025-1.030 Erythrocyte 1.090-1.092 (two) the viscosity of blood (Viscosity); Water 1, plasma 1.6-2.4, blood 4-5 (three) plasma osmotic pressure (Osm



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