玻璃器具等的清洗、烘干、包扎、灭菌实验(Cleaning, drying, bandaging and sterilizing experiments of glassware).doc

玻璃器具等的清洗、烘干、包扎、灭菌实验(Cleaning, drying, bandaging and sterilizing experiments of glassware).doc

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玻璃器具等的清洗、烘干、包扎、灭菌实验(Cleaning, drying, bandaging and sterilizing experiments of glassware)

玻璃器具等的清洗、烘干、包扎、灭菌实验(Cleaning, drying, bandaging and sterilizing experiments of glassware) I. requirements of the experiment 1, further strengthen the study, grasp the glass utensils and other equipment cleaning, drying, bandaging techniques. 2. Prepare the equipment for the next class. Two, principle To ensure the smooth progress of the experiment, the glassware used in the experiment is required to be cleaned. In order to maintain the sterilization and aseptic condition, the need for Petri dishes, etc. Straw bandage on the tubes and flasks, plugging the cotton plug. These jobs may seem common and simple, but if they are improperly performed or disturbed, they will affect the results of the experiment and may even lead to failure. Sterilization principle: high pressure steam sterilization is to put the items to be sterilized in a closed autoclave, and the steam is heated by the heating of the pot in the sterilizer. When the water vapor sharply the cold air from the exhaust valve in the drive, and then close the exhaust valve, continue to heat, at this time because the steam can not overflow, and increase the pressure inside the sterilizer so that the boiling point, increased by temperature above 100 DEG C. The result of coagulation and denaturation of bacteria protein and sterilization. It is suitable for general medium, glass, aseptic water and metal utensils. The medium is sterilized at 121.3 DEG C for 20 minutes. Dry heat sterilization is the use of high temperature to make the protein in the microbial cells coagulated and denatured to achieve the purpose of sterilization. The protein coagulation in cells is related to its own water content. When the bacteria are heated, the more water the environment and the cells contain, the faster the protein is solidified. On the contrary, the smaller the water content is, the slower the coagulation is. Therefore, compared with damp heat sterilization, Dry heat sterilization needs high temperature (160 - 170 DEG C), and take


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