男女补肾食谱(Recipe for tonifying kidney).doc

男女补肾食谱(Recipe for tonifying kidney).doc

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男女补肾食谱(Recipe for tonifying kidney)

男女补肾食谱(Recipe for tonifying kidney) Kidney of men and women! Ten practical recipes for tonifying kidney 01, the dog kidney 1 pairs, chopped, roasted, crushed into fine powder, 3 grams per night, rice wine delivery, 2 times a day. 02, live loach placed in clear water, waiting to be discharged, after cleansing the intestinal secretions. Will heat the pan, put a few slices of ginger, loach fry until golden, about 3 bowls of water, put the shrimp 50 grams, soup total food, 1 times a day. 03, 1 will be washed, pork stomach, Cistanche 10 grams into pork stomach, tied after boiled, carnivorous drink soup, 1 times a day. 04, pigeon 1, go to Mao and viscera, medlar 24 grams, Huang Jing 50 grams, stew or steam cooked food, daily 2 times take. 05, 2 eggs, cooked and peeled, plus longan and medlar 75 grams, 10 grams of Schisandra, put a bowl of water to steam, taking sugar, 2 times a day. 06, sparrow egg 2, shrimp meat 15 grams, dodder, medlar 9 grams each, put bowl, add water steamed food, 2 times a day. 07, salty walnut kernel 9 grams, 6 grams of psoralen, Daocheng Daocheng mud, served with a weak salt water, 1 times a day, this side has the role of Bushen gujing. 08, Cordyceps plus appropriate amount of rock sugar, water stew, or with longan, walnuts, dates steamed clothes, with the effect of Tonifying the kidney and essence. 09, soft shelled turtle 1, pig spinal cord 200 grams. Will be on the two flavor with ginger, onions, pepper each right amount, cooked, meat, soup. This side has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying marrow, strengthening kidney and benefiting essence. 10, Chinese chive seed 10 grams, 50 grams of rice, the leek seed simmer cooked with rice, fine salt, put in casserole with 500 ml of water, rice cooked porridge can be opened. 2 times daily. This prescription has the effect of warming kidney, strengthening yang and stopping diarrhea. In addition, in the daily life of kidney be of great advantage of food: shrimp, mussels, loach, oysters, beef, and fles



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