男性夺命的饮食恶习(Male killing bad eating habits).doc

男性夺命的饮食恶习(Male killing bad eating habits).doc

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男性夺命的饮食恶习(Male killing bad eating habits)

男性夺命的饮食恶习(Male killing bad eating habits) Male killing bad eating habits. Often listen to people around say: how to do it, and check out dyslipidemia, so and so high blood pressure, recently fat how to do, the last physical examination already had fatty liver.! These problems may have happened to you, too. In fact, one of the root causes of these problems is eating - The 1 deadly vices: eating too fast A reason: increase the burden of gastroenteritis, leading to obesity. Many office owners eat lunch in a state of great haste. Eating too fast food, have not been fully chewing, is not conducive to the initial digestion of food and saliva in the mouth, aggravating the burden on the stomach; chewing time is too short, the vagus nerve is still in excessive excitement, if things go on like this, due to excessive appetite and obesity. Move as much as possible so that the teeth and tongue a little slower, if the time is very tight, it would sacrifice a bit of time playing cards or dozing. The 2 deadly vices: do not eat breakfast A reason: a serious stomach injury, which you cannot be full of go to work, but also easy to old. Researchers at the University of Erlangen, Germany, tracked down 7000 men and women, and found that 40% of those who didnt eat breakfast had an average life expectancy of 2 shorter than the rest of 60%. 5 years old. Another university in a survey of people aged effectively in the study, one of the common points of their longevity is to eat a hearty breakfast every day. Move: try to make delicious breakfast foods, appetizers; sufficient quantity and better quality; small volume, high energy saving; preparation. We know that the length of stay of different foods in the stomach is different, and the blood glucose response is different. Under normal circumstances dilute mixed food can stay for 4 to 5 hours in the stomach, but due to the large volume of liquid food, just after feeling very full, but stay in the stomach for a short time, which is a chance to



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