申请集体所有制(股份合作)企业(Application for collective ownership (joint stock cooperation) enterprises).doc

申请集体所有制(股份合作)企业(Application for collective ownership (joint stock cooperation) enterprises).doc

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申请集体所有制(股份合作)企业(Application for collective ownership (joint stock cooperation) enterprises)

申请集体所有制(股份合作)企业(Application for collective ownership (joint stock cooperation) enterprises) Documents and documents to be submitted for business registration: (1) documents and documents to be submitted for the establishment of collective business units (stock cooperative enterprises): 1, the enterprise establishment registration application (including enterprise establishment registration application form, unit of investors (unit shareholders, promoters) list, official registration form, place of business certificate and other forms); 2, enterprise name pre-approval notice and pre approved list of names of investors; 3, designated (entrusted) book; 4. The enterprises collective ownership (joint stock cooperation) enterprise shall submit a copy of the enterprises business license affixed with the seal of the registration organ. A copy of the business license issued by the local registration office and the business license issued by the local registration authority and the enterprises official seal issued by the local collective ownership system (stock cooperative enterprise) shall be submitted; 5, enterprise secretary (contact) registration form; 6, the scope of business involves pre-approval of the project, should be submitted to the relevant departments for approval of approval documents. If the enterprise registered in the Zhongguancun science and Technology Park does not apply for the specific approval of the project, it shall submit a letter of commitment. Draw attention to: The scope of business of the business unit shall not exceed the scope of operation of the enterprise under its jurisdiction. (two) the documents and documents to be submitted by the business unit of the collective ownership (stock cooperative) in the event of alteration of the registration items: 1, change business (restructuring) registration (for the record) application form (including change business (restructuring) registration application form, change the unit after investors (unit sha



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