第二批先进性教育活动第二阶段工作总结(Summary of the second phase of the second batch of advanced sexual education activities).doc
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第二批先进性教育活动第二阶段工作总结(Summary of the second phase of the second batch of advanced sexual education activities)
第二批先进性教育活动第二阶段工作总结(Summary of the second phase of the second batch of advanced sexual education activities)
课 件 in in w.5y k j m 5. what x月xx日市局机关党委召开转段会议后, * * 支部开始进入分析评议阶段.在第二阶段中, 支部重点把握住层层征求意见、广泛开展交心谈心、查找存在问题、自我党性分析、撰写党性分析材料、开好组织生活会、搞好分析评议等主要环节, 走好分析评议阶段每一步. 认真做好分析评议阶段的工作, 是巩固和扩大学习动员阶段成果, 打牢整改提高工作的基础, 确保先进性教育活动取得实效的关键.在分析评议阶段, 我们注重党员和党组织要找准存在的突出问题, 深刻分析原因, 明确整改方向.强调每个党员都要听取意见, 自我剖析, 开展批 评与自我批评, 接受评议, 认真撰写个人党性分析材料.全体党员都积极行动起来, 深化学习 立尺子 、征求意见 照镜子 、自我剖析 找根子 、民主评议 定位子 、开展批评 醒脑子, 态度真诚, 立说立行, 使分析评议阶段的各项工作落到了实处, 通过分析评比, 每个党员取得了思想上明显提高, 政治上明显进步, 作风上明显改进, 纪律上明显增强的初步成效.现将阶段工作总结如下. 一、分析评议工作情况 (一) 广泛征求意见. * * 支部充分发扬民主, 坚持走群众路线, 根据本部门具体情况,
Take party members held seminars, issuing questionnaires to the 16 members of the branch and City Employment Bureau, a total recovery of more than 16 copies, branch members individual interviews and other forms to solicit opinions. The Party branch collected and solicited the opinions carefully, sorted out 39 opinions and suggestions on the party members, made comments and suggestions on the employment branch, and made truthful feedback to all Party members and individuals as well as the 16 party members. (two) conducting talk activities. The Party branch according to the actual situation, in the person writing the spirit analysis materials, and between the party and the party members and leaders to carry out a one to one confabulate activities, activities, take flexible methods, some party members with talk to face the way, some party members to on the way the forum to talk together, focusing on the existence of thought, find problems (phenomenon), listen to opinions and suggestions, material analysis to identify the direction of individual spirit. Talk activities seriously carry out criticism and self-criticism, do good, honest, to communicate, to promote unity, identify the problem, the formation of a consensus. (three) compose the material of party spirit analysis. Party Party branch organizations control constitution, the new per
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