组装电脑的五大低级误区(Five major mistakes in assembling computers).doc

组装电脑的五大低级误区(Five major mistakes in assembling computers).doc

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组装电脑的五大低级误区(Five major mistakes in assembling computers)

组装电脑的五大低级误区(Five major mistakes in assembling computers) (1) CPU chapter Many people believe that the higher the dominant frequency of CPU, this condition exists only in the same framework of CPU, the contrast can be established. For example, is the Pentium 3G of D915 stronger than the 5000+ of 2.6G? 2.6G 500 Can 0+ be stronger than 2.33Gs E6550? No, because the architecture is fundamentally different, not comparable, and can only be evaluated from measured performance. Some people say, Intels CPU is stable, AMDs fun. Play fast, but its unstable and not compatible enough. is that really the case? First of all, the stability is dependent on whether the power supply rate can be stable, and the motherboard filter The system also optimized to a large extent. As for the compatible, people dare to say CPU is a compatibility issue can be ignored, is obviously not a white bluff, as long as there is no mishap, Motherboard chips and power supplies are also supported, and compatibility is absolutely okay. And when AMD played games well, it didnt mean that AMDs CPU games were higher than Intel, just to reach them With the same game performance, the cost of using the AMD platform is less. And the performance of the whole machine is tough, not only depends on CPU, but also consider memory, 512M memory +E6550 is not necessarily more than PE2 180+1G memory is smooth, play video card to also take into account more. When you play high configuration game, if you use QX6600+8600GT, the effect is worse than E6550+8800GT More normal, I hope you do not just look at the purchase of CPU, but also in accordance with their actual use and overall performance balance to consider. I met N when I was working with someone. What did the individual say? CPU to the CPUs strengths, strengthen is equivalent to reduce the other performance budget, there is damage to the overall performance, but The loss outweighs the gain. You run a system, you see, E655 Is the difference in performance between CPU 0 an


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