抗氧化维生素减轻高脂饮食兔动脉粥样硬化及保护dna甲基化的作用(Effects of antioxidant vitamins on atherosclerosis and protective DNA methylation in rabbits fed with high fat diet).doc

抗氧化维生素减轻高脂饮食兔动脉粥样硬化及保护dna甲基化的作用(Effects of antioxidant vitamins on atherosclerosis and protective DNA methylation in rabbits fed with high fat diet).doc

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抗氧化维生素减轻高脂饮食兔动脉粥样硬化及保护dna甲基化的作用(Effects of antioxidant vitamins on atherosclerosis and protective DNA methylation in rabbits fed with high fat diet)

抗氧化维生素减轻高脂饮食兔动脉粥样硬化及保护dna甲基化的作用(Effects of antioxidant vitamins on atherosclerosis and protective DNA methylation in rabbits fed with high fat diet) Effects of antioxidant vitamins on atherosclerosis and protective DNA methylation in rabbits fed with high fat diet 2010-09-07 Song Fujin, Chen Duanxia, Yang Di, Cao Xiuzhi, Yi Li, Zhu Wenling [Abstract] Objective To investigate the effects of antioxidant vitamins on atherosclerosis (AS) and DNA methylation in rabbits with high fat diet. Methods the levels of AS in the high-fat diet group and the high fat antioxidant vitamin group were compared by microscope, and the methylation level of DNA in spleen was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results in the high-fat diet group, the proliferation of arterial smooth muscle cells and foam cells in the fat diet group decreased significantly, AS decreased significantly, and the methylation level of DNA in the spleen increased significantly. Conclusion antioxidant vitamins can protect DNA methylation and may affect gene transcription and alleviate AS by this effect. Vitamin AS may be another factor in the antioxidant vitamins. [Keywords] vitamin methylation, arteriosclerosis The, antioxidative, vitamins, reduce, atherosclerosis, protect, DNA, methylation, of, diet, rabbits, Song, Fujin, Chen, Duanxia, Yang, Di, et, al., PUMC, Hospital, CAMS, and, PUMC, and, Beijing,, high-fat [Abstract] Objective To study the effect of antioxidative vitamins on high-fat diet rabbits in atherosclerosis and DNA methylation level. Methods The microscope and the HPLC was used to compare the atherosclerosis and the DNA methylation level in the high-fat diet group and the antioxidative vitamins high-fat diet group of rabbit spleen. Results The methylation level was higher and the atherosclerosis level was lower in antioxidative vitamins high-fat diet group of rabbits than that in high-fat diet group. And also there was a much less hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells and foam cel



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