播音材料(Broadcast material).doc

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播音材料(Broadcast material)

播音材料(Broadcast material) A. Pronunciation J. Y J had coveted case y jail l ng sea sea sea y W have ng li ng and w n k have dandyism connected Gu y m the oldest mandarin fish case, O di A o Ti t gluttonous Cu Chu ng acne. Ch ch case K Chichu kongzong i n and Z n and other properties: K only NGD ng have read the ignorant. Ch ch is connected. Walk slowly m i n ch a million N g only ng needlework with ancient work g only u l u rickets Crack crack Gu Li fine (such as concrete, mortar, plaster on the surface); pigment, glaze or paint film, caused by aging and collapse of shallow and short crack J N Li reports the cracking due to drought and cracked many fields nuiko chapped. A persons skin is cracked or cracked by cold dryness B I l i bud unfortunately in the name is often pronounced P I. Di Xi Y walk up and down from L from Xi a ch, sipping tea sipping as a verb, meaning a small mouth to drink. Xia as onomatopoeia pronounced G. Ji have o Xi sly w I Xi obscene My w I Xi with I y w C. ch n ch case of toad M, W and n have lost her Li Qie Spying Ku y from Y Q is connected. CH, N and y are n and also walk. Chizha. Zh, Ch Ch u m u to Gu N J N light. 咄嗟 duō jiē 霎时 罹难 nàn. 龌龊 wò chuò 促狭 cù xiá 皈依 gu īyī 旮旯 gā la 戛然 jiá mornings 参差 cēn cī 鳏夫 guān fū 髑髅 toot lóu 皴裂 cūn liè 妊娠 rèn shēn 老鸨 lǎo bǎo 东莞 dōng guǎn 孑孓 jié jué 逡巡 qūn xún 趑趄 zī qiè 斡旋 wò xuán 弹劾 tán! 旌旗 jīng qí 沟壑 gōu hè 交媾 jiāo gòu 菁华 jīng hoo yaw 毓婷 yù tíng 拈花 niān huā 旖旎 yǐ nǐ 褴褛 half lǚ 蒯草 kuǎi cǎo 执拗 zhí niù 匍匐 pooh whoo 阿訇 ā hōng 暴殄 bàotiǎn 拥趸 yōng dǔn 氤氲 yīn yūn 鹄的 gǔ the 整饬 zhěng chì 贲临 bì lín 踽踽 jǔ jǔ 弑君 shì jūn 舐犊 shì toot 澹台 tán tái 复姓 单于 khan yú 尉迟 yù chi 复姓. 噱头 jué tou或xué tóu 一般取后一种. 劓刑 yì xíng 木讷 mù measures 薄荷 bò he 徘徊 pái huái 耆宿 qí sù 确凿 què záo 现在只有一个音. By Z O H H have read the case usually with the sound of children. J Y from Shu K. Democratic lobbyists dirty a Z. Yao (three soil, y, O: pronunciation, is, for many people.) Ben (three cows, B pronunciation n, meaning: Ben, Jizou, run, Jingan, escape.) N


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