暴光口诀(Exposure formula).doc

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暴光口诀(Exposure formula)

暴光口诀(Exposure formula) 1, focus D80 although there are 11 pairs of focus, but only the center is cross focus, in other words, this point focuses on the most accurate, so I have locked the focus of the center for a long time. After habit, The composition is also very convenient. First focus on the main body, press the shutter half, and then move the camera in parallel. The focus is almost right. 2 metering D80 a little measure, very easy to use, but the most used or 3D matrix photometry. One problem with spot metering is that when the light and dark contrast is more complex and the light is more complex, the characters face is OK Other places are often not allowed. The only trouble with the 3D matrix metering is to take a few measurements from the main body, then press the AE-L key to lock, and then focus on the composition, so the metering is more accurate. that When you are outdoors or when the light is complex, the metering from the MT5 and 6 meters is often inaccurate, because the environment on the scene has too much interference with light, and the machines such as D80 are unable to measure accurately. This is actually a lot of mid-range, low-end camera common problem. The above two points, after my actual use, D200 also has the same problem, D2XS this kind of machine is much better, used a few times, no wonder D2XS to sell so expensive. Basically, 11 points are OK On the right, the bright circular viewfinder and composition, it is too easy. 3, how to shoot clear backlighting characters and background Basically, theres a process: the A file, the aperture priority mode, and the persons face photometry to get a data, such as F2 1/125 seconds. Then change to the M manual, The same condition as the iris Next, increase the shutter to more than 1/125, such as 1/250 seconds, so that the main body background is clear. Similarly, you can also shutter the same, narrow aperture, and also have the same effect. But it needs attention When is the light is too strong, will us



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