春季饮食禁忌(Spring diet taboo).doc

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春季饮食禁忌(Spring diet taboo)

春季饮食禁忌(Spring diet taboo) High calorie, oily foods, fats and juices are also of this type. These foods can cause oxidative reactions in the body, damage the normal molecular structure of the cerebral vascular wall, narrow the cerebral blood vessels, affect blood flow, and stimulate the brains physiological activities, resulting in slow thinking. The reduction of food containing carotene, superoxide dismutase and other components, the oxidation reaction can prevent cerebral vascular wall, or has occurred in the oxidation reaction of reduction to ensure cerebral vascular patency, adequate blood supply to the brain, is always awake and active state of health. Many rough oligospermia vascular protection At present, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, is increasing day by day, and has become the number one killer of the Chinese people. In addition to the traditional high blood fat, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and three high, there is one big curse, that is, hyperhomocysteinemia. Experts have discovered that a substance called homocysteine, which is too high in the blood, can cause atherosclerosis, leading to myocardial infarction, stroke, and Alzheimers disease. The increase in homocysteine levels in the blood, more and more eating fine processed foods is one of the reasons. Much less white green life Nutritionists analyzed the nutrients of various vegetables and found a rule: the nutritional value of vegetables is related to their color depth. The deeper the color of vegetables, the more vitamin and carotene content, the less. According to this rule, the order is green vegetables, red and yellow vegetables and white vegetables. Green vegetables are rich in calcium, folic acid and vitamin C content is also high, in addition, Chlorophyll, which has anti-cancer and anti disease effects, is especially large. Spring diet notes Spring (spring and summer only) are things grow, Everything l


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