日本国债价格上扬(The price of Japanese government bonds has risen).doc

日本国债价格上扬(The price of Japanese government bonds has risen).doc

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日本国债价格上扬(The price of Japanese government bonds has risen)

日本国债价格上扬(The price of Japanese government bonds has risen) European stock markets moved higher on Monday (September 3rd) and expanded their earnings relative to the previous trading day. Trading is likely to be relatively weak prior to this weeks important meeting of the European Central Bank (ECB). In addition, the American stock market closed on Monday (September 3rd) because of public holidays. The focus of the market has now landed in the European Central Bank on Thursday (September 6th) of the meeting, investors hope that the European central bank governor Mario Delaki (Mario Draghi) of the European central bank bond buying plan to provide some details, such as Spain and Italy to reduce the countrys borrowing costs. Industry insiders say all the focus of the market is on the European Central Bank, and that the ECB will not give clear directions. The trader said he would probably sell the bonds if he did not get a full bond purchase plan. The trader said, if the meeting is disappointing results, then the FTSEurofirst 300 index will test the 1050 area, the area at the beginning of August support. The German finance minister said on Monday (September 3rd) that it would be difficult to put all the euro zone banks under the supervision of the European Central Bank (ECB). The Wall Street Journal reported last week that the European Commission (European Commission) proposed calling on the European Central Bank to set up an agency to oversee the management of all banks in the 17 countries in the euro area. German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble (Wolfgang Schaeuble) on Monday (September 3rd) told German radio interview, said: the European Central Bank said he could not 6000 financial institutions supervision and management of the European union. Schaeuble said: this is probably not so easy to implement a proposal. Schaeuble suggested that the EU should only specify standards and supervision of large banks, for small banks, which follow the standard, so that regulator



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