曹刿论战试题2答案(The caogui controversy answers 2 questions).doc

曹刿论战试题2答案(The caogui controversy answers 2 questions).doc

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曹刿论战试题2答案(The caogui controversy answers 2 questions)

曹刿论战试题2答案(The caogui controversy answers 2 questions) The caogui controversy answers to review questions Knowledge accumulation From the Zuo Zhuan. Zuo Zhuan also known as Zuo Zhuan or Tso, is Chinas earliest and detailed chronicle, a total of 60 volumes, 18 words, the legend is the spring and Autumn period according to a book written in Hengyu historical preservation of Chinas history of annalistic style, since 722 BC after more than 200 many historical materials (i.e., the princes of the spring and Autumn Period recorded in the political and economic, military and cultural aspects of the situation). 1, the accumulation of words (1) Division: army. (2) cutting: attack. (3) please: request. (4): see see. (5) meat eaters: people who eat meat. Refers to the highest, enjoy generous people. (6) seek: Plan (7) inter: participation. (8): despicable meanness. Myopia here. (9) Ann: Yes, I mean raise. (10) Eph: No. (11) Special: personal proprietary. (12) Yes, answer. (13) benefits: grace. (14) the only flat: with the times, in general. (15) from: listen to. (16) sacrifice: the sacrifice of pigs, cattle, sheep, etc.. (17): silk silk. (18) add: false report. This is to say less. (19) letter: faithfulness means to tell the truth to god. (20) letter: credit. (21) Fu: convincing. (22) blessing: bless, bless. (23) prison: case. (24) though: even. (25) review: see. (26) love: truth judgment. Zhong: (27) try to do the right thing. (28) genus: class. (29) from: follow. (30) drum: verb, beat the drum. (31): defeated defeat. (32) Chi: drive (chase). (33) track: wheel rolling out traces. (34): the car in front of the bars of the ancient shi. (35) chasing: chasing, chasing. (36) both grams: after the victory of the Qi army, both. (37) reason: reason (38): cheer up. (39) decline: weaken. (40) exhaust: disappear. (41) surplus: full. This means that morale is vigorous. (42) measure: guess, estimate. (43) volts: ambush. (44) decline: fall. 2 whats the difference in the meaning of adding wor



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