本科生局解试题范例(Examples of undergraduate problem solving).doc

本科生局解试题范例(Examples of undergraduate problem solving).doc

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本科生局解试题范例(Examples of undergraduate problem solving)

本科生局解试题范例(Examples of undergraduate problem solving) Examples of undergraduate problem solving Fill in the blanks (0.5*28 minutes) 1. the thyroid gland is located in the neck (1) triangle and is H shaped, consisting of (2) and (3) lobes 2. the upper triangle of the esophagus is surrounded by (4), (5) and (6) 3. the arterial blood supply of duodenum mainly came from (7), (8), and (9) The main branches of 4. hepatic portal vein were (10), (11), (12) and inferior mesenteric vein, and (13), (14), and (15) 5. superior lumbar triangle bottom transversus abdominis aponeurosis, the deep surface of three strips are arranged in parallel with the twelve rib nerve, from top to bottom (16), (17), (18). Five of the 6. branches of the great saphenous vein near the hiatus were (19), (20), (21), (22), and (23) 7. for the fascia of thigh deep fascia, the lateral femoral wrapped tensor fascia lata, the lower part of a flat ribbon fiber thickening (24), said the fascia in foreign pubic tubercle at about 3-4cm, the formation of a sunken oval, called (25), also known as (26). The surface coverage of loose connective a tissue layer has a hole, called (27), also known as (28), a great saphenous vein through. Two, noun explanation (2 points *5) 1. mediastinum 2., second lung hilum, 3. hepatic pedicle, 4. Hesselbach triangle, 5. dentate line Three, English and Chinese translation (each subject 0.5 points, a total of 6 points) 1. peritoneal cavity, 2. pancreatic duct, 3. sigmoid colon, 4. anal sinus, 5. knee, 6. breast 7., lateral, umbilical, fold, 8., fibrous, capsule, 9., ischiorectal, fossa, 10., brachial, artery, 11., femoral, artery,, lung, hilum, of Four, questions and answers (20 points) One How do you find the appendix during the operation? Why can fester sex appendicitis cause liver abscess? (4 points) 2. what muscle can be cut when operation, can cause fecal incontinence? (3 points) 3. why radical resection of the head of pancreas or duodenal ampulla requires simultaneous removal of


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