湘少版英语四年级上册Unit .docVIP

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课题 Unit 1 Nice to meet you. 上课 时间 年 月 日 教学计划 3 课时 教学 目标 1.Enable the students can understand and say these sentences: This is …Good morning .Good afternoon . Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too . How are you? I’m fine, thank you. She ‘s my sister. He’s my brother. What’s your name? Who are you? 2. To know four persons:Mary, Lingling. Chen Dong. Dino, Lily. Anne and Helen. 3. To encourage the Ss to talk in English . 教学 重点 难点 Key points: Nice to meet you. --- Nice to meet you, too. How are you? ---I’m fine, thank you. Different points: the pronunciation of the letters : bl 课时 按排 Period I Part A Part B Period II Part C Period III Part D Part E 课前 准备 Some pictures, Cassette, recorder ,business cards or masks (Mary, Lingling. Chen Dong. Dino, Lily. Anne and Helen.) 教学 活动 过程 Period 1 Teaching aims: 1.能掌握新单词meet。 2.能听懂、会说本课对话。 3.能灵活运用“Good morning”、“How are you?”、“Nice to meet you”、 Teaching emphasis: 用“Good morning!”、“How are you ?”、“Nice to meet you”向他人致意。 Teaching tools: Tape, pictures Teaching methods: Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method. Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up 1、Greetings. Say something about the holidays. Step 2 Presentation and drill 2. Revise Greeting ? T: Hello, S1.Nice to meet you. ? S1: Nice to meet you , too. ? T:(向另一学生)Hi , what is your name ? ? S2: My name is S2. ? T: Nice to meet you . ? …? …?? …?? … ? Change the clock. ? T: Look, it is nine/three/eight o’clock.? How to greet your friends? ? Ss: Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening. 3. Part A ? T: Now, listen to Part A. Please say out the sentences you listened . ? 板书学生听到的句子“Good morning !”“How are you ?”“I’m fine,thank you.”分别用以上句子向学生问侯。 ? 游戏——Chain game(链锁游戏) S1: How are you? ? S2: Fine,thank you. Hello how are you. ? S3: Fine,thanks. (可分组游戏,看哪组说得又快又好) 出示一张照片(或图片)。T: Look, this is...He is my brother. 板书句子“He is my brother”并带读,让学生理解“This is...”和brother的含义。 走到学生面前。T: Hello, how are you? S1: Fine, thanks. T(指着旁边的一个男学生说):This is S2.He is my


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