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清远市概况 Brief Introduction of Qingyuan 清远,北广州崛起的“桥头堡” Qingyuan, an emerging Gateway in north Guangdong. Outline of the city 国家园林城市 China ’s Excellent Tourism City 中国优秀旅游城市 China ’s Excellent Tourism City 中国宜居城市 China ’s Most Livable City 中国漂流之乡 China ’s Rafting City 中国温泉之城 China ’s Hot Spring City 欧洲人最喜爱的中国景区之一 Most favorite tourist attraction for European 海外华人眼中最具魅力的休闲度假之都 Most Charming leisure and vacation city for oversea Chinese 中国生态休闲旅游城市 China ’s Eco-city for leisure and vacation (一)清远概况 Brief Introduction 清远位于广东省中北部,北接湖南,西连广西,东北接壤韶关,西南比邻肇庆,南部与广州、 佛山相接,总面积1.92 万平方公里,总人口416 万人。1988 年经国务院批准设立地级市,现 辖清城区、清新区、佛冈县、阳山县、连南瑶族自治县、连山壮族瑶族自治县和清远市高新 技术开发区,并代管英德、连州两个县级市。 Located in the mid-north part of Guangdong Province, Qingyuan enjoys sound geographic convenience, adjacent to Hunan Province in the north, contiguous to Guangxi Province in the west, connecting Shaoguan in its northeast, neighboring Zhaoqing city in southwest, and bordering Guangzhou and Foshan city in the south. Since its establishment as a prefecture-level city in 1988, Qingyuan now administrates 3 districts, 4 counties and 2 county-level cities, with a total area of 19200 sq.km, and a total population of 4.16 million. 清远古称凤城,建制于秦朝,迄今已有两千多年历史,南北朝时期即已设置清远郡,有粤、 湘、桂“三省通衢”之称,成为衔接中原文化和岭南文化的“丝绸之路” Qingyuan, used to called “ phoenix city”, is of a history over 2000 years since its early establishment in Qin Dynasty. It’s known as the thoroughfare of Guangdong, Hun


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