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反迷的 「迷群」?從對抗情緒中產 生的反迷閱聽人之探索─以反偶 像社群為例 國立政治大學 新聞研究所一年級 陳盈帆 《中文摘要 》 本研究將焦點關注在閱聽人研究光譜的另一 端─具有厭惡情緒 的過度閱聽人 ,以心理學角度探討其反抗某偶像 、甚至是加入反迷社 群的原因 ,並分析迷群的內在認同與外在消費行為與反迷者有何異 同 試圖找出反迷者在閱聽人, 光譜中的定位 ,能否 等同於帶有另一種 負面情緒的 「迷群 」。深度訪談後發現,其所反之因多半是作對的保 護本能作祟 ,極端的反迷 「迷群」為少數 。且反迷者的內在認同與迷 群無二致 ;但 文化消費部分 ,則是積極創造 kuso 文本,甚至在媒介 滲透的影響下 ,被動地消費了第二級偶像文本 。事實上 ,反迷者在閱 聽人光譜裡的位置是流動不定的 。 關鍵詞 : 反迷閱聽人 、文化消費、笑的本能 、認同 、愛與恨。 1 2 The anti-fans’“fans”? Exploring the audience of the anti-fans with resistant emotiona case study of anti-idol groups ABSTRACT This research focuses on the spectrum of the audience research at the other side─an excessive audience with hatred or resistant emotion. Through some psychological viewpoints, the author would like to discuss the reason why these anti-fans want to oppose some object or text, even enter into the anti-fan club. This article also wants to find out the position of anti-fans in the spectrum by analyzing similarities or differences in inner identity and the behavior of cultural consumption between fans and anti-fans. Through depth-interviewing method, it was discovered that the instinct of ridicule results in the resistance; and the anti-fans who with extremely hatred for idols are the minority. In addition, there ’s no difference in the inner identity between fans and anti-fans; however, in the cultural consumption part, anti-fans produce some kuso text actively, and even consume the secondary idol-text passively because of the media-penetration society. In Fact, the position of the anti-fans is not fixed, and it will change under various conditions. Ke


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