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W E ARE ENVI RO NMENTA LLY -FRI ENDLY Recycling mea ns to repeat t he life cycle cont inuously , by g iv ing new s use to materia ls disca rded by s ociety. We are increasingly c oncerned about using recycled, recycled and env ironmenta lly -f riendly raw materia ls. T he recycled materia ls used in our ma nufact uring processes come from plast ic, Cotton, A rt if icia l wood and glass fiber reinforced The recycla ble materia ls of o ur products consist of wood from self-sustaina ble forests, fa bric, cera mics and chipboa rds. Our paint ing met hod uses ecologica l paints wit h env ironmenta lly ha rmless dyes and components and no act ive solvents. Recycling offers an indeterminate number of adva ntages. It p revents soil and water conta minat ion ; reduces the volume of waste that goes to the sa nita ry la ndf ills, Generates jobs for ma ny people and spa res nat ura l resources. ® I n the course of t he yea rs, Soundbox “Acoust ic Pa nels has become increasingly c oncerned and awa re of t he need to reduce inert matters that pollute the pla net. This is an issue that concerns all of us and which the indust ria l world in pa rt icula r must pay ca ref ul attent ion to. Htt p: //www. howeasy. hk ® 好声易 便 捷 建 声 系


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