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彩色图像的信息隐藏技术研究 /article/2012-2-10/615-1.html 摘要:数字水印技术是解决数字作品版权保护问题的非常有效的方法,它在灰度图像中的应用 已进行了广泛、深入的研究,而目前该技术主要是针对彩色图像和视频领域.先前众多的 DW T(discrete wavelet transform)域水印算法几乎都是私有水印或易脆水印,而针对版权保护的 鲁棒的、公开的小波域水印算法却极少.在充分考虑人类视觉系统掩蔽特性的基础上,首先给 出基于图像分块的临界噪声阈值矩阵JND(just noticed difference),进而提出了一种基于 DW T 的鲁棒公开水印技术.算法首先把原图像各 8×8 块按 Hilbert 扫描顺序排列,然后在原图像分 块的 Hilbert 序列中选取两相邻块分别进行一层 DWT,再结合各分块 JND 阈值,通过不同强度 地调整两相邻块各对应细节子带均值之间的大小关系以自适应地嵌入水印.嵌入水印具有很 好的透明性,水印嵌入强度是与原图像特征相自适应的.同时,水印的提取无须求助于原图像. 此外,实验结果也证明,该算法对常见图像处理操作、图像缩放和裁剪、挤压、扭曲等几何变 换有较高的鲁棒性,特别是信号增强操作处理几乎不影响水印的正确提取,所以该算法是有效 和实用的. 关键词:彩色图像;信息隐藏;鲁棒性;Hilbert 扫描;离散小波变换… Information hiding technology research for color images Abstract: The digital watermarking technique is a powerful tool to protect copyrights of di gital media author or seller. It have conducted the widespread thorough research an applic ation of gray level image. Most previous DWT-based watermarking algorithms belong to e ither private watermarking algorithms or fragile watermarking algorithms, but there are few DWT-based robust public watermarking techniques for copyright protection. By taking ful l advantage of the masking characteristics of the human visual system, first a JND (just n oticed difference) threshold matrix based on block is given in this paper, and then a robu st image-adaptive public watermarking technique operating in DWT domain is presented. F irstly, the 8×8 blocks of the original image are rearranged into a 1-D Hilbert sequence in Hilbert scanning order. Then two neighboring blocks are selected from the Hilbert sequen ce of the host image blocks in turn, and 1-level DWT is applied to the two chosen block s. Finally, a corresponding detail subband is chose fr


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